Reniece straightened my hair! Lots of pictures!

You are adorable! Just adorable! You have the cutest face! And Your hair Lady, You already know, BEAUTIFULLLLLLLLL!
Thanks for sharing and just WOW... You should have seen me...if anyone has seen Madea's newest play - One Big Happy Family, I was mimicking the hand motion the "slow" boy was doing before he got to color in his sponge bob coloring book-- YEAHHHH!
I wasn't sold on the Reniece being the best stylist that ever lived..and rarely saw her do anything above and beyond what any other competent stylist has done...

But now I change that opinion..
It's awesome...

You and your hair absolutely gorgeous!
*o* seriously, your hair is amazing. I love it. And just when I resigned myself to no more straightening:lol:
I am truly shocked and wish she lived near Florida ,Georgia or south Carolina-I would run to her to straighten my hair-all I can say is...WOWZERs-she has serious skills and you are a beauty!

need i say more? absolutely stunning! i'm still in awe! and you are so pretty!
Good lord, your hair is DELISH!!

The difference between your straightened hair and your unstraightened hair is crazy--the shrinkage... :thud:
After stalking these pictures for the millionth time today, I have decided that I am not going to straighten my hair again until December 2011.

I know this this as already been said, but Dr. Mwedzi your hair is an inspiration. It is a shame that all nappy/tightly coiled/kinky (pick whichever term you prefer) girls can not see these pictures. I wish every little girl who has been called nappy headed or thought a towel on her head was the only way she could have long hair, could see these pictures. They would know that they can have hair cascading down their backs, too.

Let this be a lesson to all of us. How many of us are willing to go years with minimal or no heat for this hair? If you take care of your hair YOU CAN have the hair that you want.
Then she put curls in it:


Side view:

Then she directed me to flip it and shake it for a video. I was really awkward. I'm not used to straight hair was afraid I was going to mess it up or tangle it. But I tried.

And from the front:

I even did a bun drop, with video from that hopefully coming soon!

I don't know what to do with straight hair, so I wore it down for a couple of days and now it's in a bun.
But I think I will try a bantu knot out or put some curls in it or something. All the same, I'm glad I got it done and glad to find out that there is at lease one stylist out there who is gentle, skilled, and open to learn more if she thinks there are any gaps in her knowledge. I highly recommend her.
When will the video be available???:lick: