Reniece straightened my hair! Lots of pictures!

I can't believe I missed this thread. Your hair was always an amazement to me. Your straighten look is very beautiful.
May I hate for a moment? :lol: Your hair looks awesome! (I see I'm a bit late, but you're still worthy of a late shout out!)
Your shrinkage is absolutely insane....
I was so pleasantly suprised when I was the straightened hair pic. I love it. All of those thanks... @_@ My god!
Amazing amazing amazing!! Thanks for sharing Mwedzi. Does Reniece generally offer this service for naturals? I thought she was solely a weave specialist?? If she does, I would gladly travel to schedule an appt with her!!
Firstly - your hair looks AH-MAY-ZING

Secondly I have to say Thank You! Because looking at your shrinkage and general hair type it's shockingly evident we're hair twins and in 30yrs I've never seen anyone with my exact hair.

Stylists used to openly stare at my hair in it's natural state as if I was an alien or something and my shrinkage was always seen as bizarre (an ear/chin length fro = apl/bsl)

But seeing how gorgeous your hair is from the great way you've taken care of it....and reading all the love that you're getting really makes me smile on the inside. Whenever folks would say anything nice about my hair I used to roll my eyes and was totally unable to "take it in"

So yeah....thank you. soooo much.

You have no idea how much this touched me. :huggle:

Just inspiring.

beautiful, strong and healthy hair natural or straightened.

thank you for the inspiration.

OMG how did i miss this?????? :hardslap:.....thats for me.... Mwedzi....your hair is just :thud: awesome....ladies....this is what LHCF is all about...healthy long hair...and ofr those who dont want long least HEALTHY hair....this is just amazing!...very inspirational!
I am shamelessly stalking from Lagos ,Nigeria, not known for it's great internet connectivity.Should be using this time to catch up on some work, but this is too great a distraction.This is something else.
Mwedzi, your hair , as we say over here,is the END OF DISCUSSION!! This is what it's all about.It ticks every box.I wish I could carry a billboard around with your pictures to show everyone the glory of 4B in all it's incarnations.Thank you so much for sharing.
Then she put curls in it:


Side view:

Then she directed me to flip it and shake it for a video. I was really awkward. I'm not used to straight hair was afraid I was going to mess it up or tangle it. But I tried.

And from the front:

I even did a bun drop, with video from that hopefully coming soon!

I don't know what to do with straight hair, so I wore it down for a couple of days and now it's in a bun.
But I think I will try a bantu knot out or put some curls in it or something. All the same, I'm glad I got it done and glad to find out that there is at lease one stylist out there who is gentle, skilled, and open to learn more if she thinks there are any gaps in her knowledge. I highly recommend her.

Omgoodness!! Very pretty!
Every time I show someone this site, I search for this thread.
I get tired of people saying that their hair to too nappy to grow!
I don't have enough hair to convince them, but there's no disputing the beauty of Mwedzi's hair.