Removing the relaxer from hair


New Member
:nono: I have been trying to explain to my girlfriend that you can not remove the relaxer from hair that has been previosuly relsaxed. Well she currently is apl and has very beautiful hair. It is healthy and very shiney. Well she has been using baking soda and condish and acv rinse. She also seals with shea butter and that is it. She blow drys on cool air then seals with the shea butter.

She says that her hair looks just like a natural that blow drys. She uses no heat, buns, twists or does braid outs. Her hair really does look like a natural that has done a blow out, but for the life of me can not get her to understand she can not remove the relaxed ends unless she cuts them off. That is where she refuses to listen. She is currently 4months post.:wallbash:

I have showed her the site she keeps saying she is gonna join. What else can I tell her to let her know she has to let go of the ends to become completly natural.
I don't know what else you can say to her. I mean, maybe find some articles online that you can maybe show her. Perhaps she has to hear it from someone else.
Is she transitioning to natural hair? If so, give her about another 2 months or so. When that new growth really takes over and does not behave like the the relaxed hair/ends. She will notice and be like *light bulb*lol
If you have said all that you can say...let it go. Sometimes we have to realize things on our own in order to fully appreciate it. She will eventually realize that her relaxer isn't "washing" out.
I have explained that what she is doing is a stretch and that she is not fully natural which is what she keeps saying and telling ppl that is anoying me. She as I said is doing really good with her hair. I just don't want her to n the end lose more that she has to.

I have decided not to correct her anymore with her little I am natural. I am just going to shake my head.:grin::nono:
It doesn't really matter natural is only a word. You've already told her, you can't beg her to understand.