Removing Doobie Bumps w/o Heat


New Member
Hi Ladies,

Is there any way to wrap your hair and not get bobby pin bumps in the hair when the pins are removed. I am trying not to use excessive heat and was wondering if there is any way?

Tips anyone?
Normally, you would just wrap your hair and it would just stay up right on it's own.
But with all your hair, that probably won't happen.
Have you tried using some long-billed alligator clips?
How it would work is you would wrap your hair like normal, and then put some long billed alligator clips in, to hold the wrap up. Just put them in from the bottom, pointing up.
Then, tie your scarf or put on your wrap strip, or whatever you use, and then quickly and smoothly pull the clips out. The wrap should stay, and you shouldn't have bumps or bends. hth.