REMEMBER TO TUNE INTO WANAKEE's INTERVIEW Wednesday, October 7, 2009 at 10:30 PM EST


New Member
LIVE! on Wednesday, October 7, 2009 at 10:30 PM (EST).

So, the cat's out the bag....and the word on the street is 100% true...Black Hair Talk LIVE! will be hosting Wanakee Pugh!!!

And we're inviting you to submit questions for this exclusive interview!

Do you have any burning questions that you've been dieing to know the answer to about Wanakee? Is there something that you'd like for her to share during the show?

If so, email your questions to [email protected] by 10/6/09 and LHDC will ask your questions LIVE! on the show!!!

You're very welcome. Her hair is so gorgeous after all these years and I look forward to hearing her interview.

So wait,, I just go to the black hair live site? There's no specific link to click. Will it broadcast from that page link above, or do I need to find the link on the site? I don't want to miss it!

I wish I had gotten a question in on time.[/QUOTE]

Me too, really I would love to see some updated photos. I purchased her products years ago. I have that brochure with pictures somewhere, anyway I would love to see what she is doing with her hair now.
Re: REMEMBER TO TUNE INTO WANAKEE's INTERVIEW Wednesday, October 7, 2009 at 10:30 PM

Good you can get past interviews. I just saw one for Hairveda. Will be checking that one out.
Re: REMEMBER TO TUNE INTO WANAKEE's INTERVIEW Wednesday, October 7, 2009 at 10:30 PM

bumpin. a little over 3hrs left b4 show time.
Re: REMEMBER TO TUNE INTO WANAKEE's INTERVIEW Wednesday, October 7, 2009 at 10:30 PM

thanks! She's gorgeous!

eta - here is a link to a page with some of her pictures at different lengths.

Here is a video of her talking about her art. A real Renaissance woman.
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Re: REMEMBER TO TUNE INTO WANAKEE's INTERVIEW Wednesday, October 7, 2009 at 10:30 PM

Thanks for the link! I had no idea she mixed the products and formulas for the line of products herself. That's very interesting. She said the formulas have since been changed and she wanted to maintain a certain quality and that's one of the reasons her and her partners didn't see eye to eye and why they parted ways. Thumbs up Wanakee!
Re: REMEMBER TO TUNE INTO WANAKEE's INTERVIEW Wednesday, October 7, 2009 at 10:30 PM

This is so interesting! Thanks for posting the link! She is telling the truth!

I agree with what she said about Chris Rock's documentary too.
Re: REMEMBER TO TUNE INTO WANAKEE's INTERVIEW Wednesday, October 7, 2009 at 10:30 PM

Yes im listening to...

I wish she would truly come back out with some great products i didnt get a chance to ever use her products, but I wouldve loved to have that chance. I did see her products and remember her brochure but just didnt jump on it.

She is right i dont see the whole uproar about Chris Rock's movie Good Hair. He's just trying to make some money. And right I dont like and dont want to hear his opinion about how he thinks we are so hair obsessed and crazy.

I care for my hair alot more then i did before but im not obsessed about weaves and hair care either. Yes i am a PJ, but i like to look good and feel good.

I like how she is talking about the hair types and how some people are not a long hair person and look better with short cuts.
Re: REMEMBER TO TUNE INTO WANAKEE's INTERVIEW Wednesday, October 7, 2009 at 10:30 PM

Definitely. Her journey is so evident from the way she talks. She didn't just take this idea from someone and run with it. She has learned from experience. I never tried her products either but I didn't have to because it was her technique that helped my hair retain length. :)
Re: REMEMBER TO TUNE INTO WANAKEE's INTERVIEW Wednesday, October 7, 2009 at 10:30 PM

I wish i would have caught this from the beginning, i wonder will this interview be saved?
Re: REMEMBER TO TUNE INTO WANAKEE's INTERVIEW Wednesday, October 7, 2009 at 10:30 PM

Yes it will be saved on the site. I was listening to the older tapes. The list is noted in the site further down. Hairveda has one from last month there.
Re: REMEMBER TO TUNE INTO WANAKEE's INTERVIEW Wednesday, October 7, 2009 at 10:30 PM

I see "past recordings". Sorry.
Re: REMEMBER TO TUNE INTO WANAKEE's INTERVIEW Wednesday, October 7, 2009 at 10:30 PM

I thought I would of got more information. The interview was very good but I wanted to hear more about technique other than cutting the hair.

If she does another interview I would definitely listen in.

I checked out her art work and she is a wonderful artist! I would buy it if the price is right! :up::up:
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Re: REMEMBER TO TUNE INTO WANAKEE's INTERVIEW Wednesday, October 7, 2009 at 10:30 PM

Great interview! Night night ladies!
Re: REMEMBER TO TUNE INTO WANAKEE's INTERVIEW Wednesday, October 7, 2009 at 10:30 PM

It was really good. I hope she can get others online like that. I can think of a few.

Stephanie Suthers
Renee Davis
Beverly from this site
Dee the owner of the other site

I could go on and on and on.............
Re: REMEMBER TO TUNE INTO WANAKEE's INTERVIEW Wednesday, October 7, 2009 at 10:30 PM

Great interview, Longhairdontcare! :kiss:

Loved MsCocoface's question and good to hear your I can put a voice to the back of your hair...:lachen:

I'm glad she spoke about how she prayed about her products before they came to be and the end result is...of course, fabulous!

God is good and gives us good gifts to share!

Thanks again.
Re: REMEMBER TO TUNE INTO WANAKEE's INTERVIEW Wednesday, October 7, 2009 at 10:30 PM

that was great! I didn't know anything about her until i came here. I wish I had though.
Re: REMEMBER TO TUNE INTO WANAKEE's INTERVIEW Wednesday, October 7, 2009 at 10:30 PM

It was really good. I hope she can get others online like that. I can think of a few.

Stephanie Suthers
Renee Davis
Beverly from this site
Dee the owner of the other site

I could go on and on and on.............

You are so right...I vote for Beverly...what an empire she has!!!
Re: REMEMBER TO TUNE INTO WANAKEE's INTERVIEW Wednesday, October 7, 2009 at 10:30 PM

loved it and even got a question answered
Re: REMEMBER TO TUNE INTO WANAKEE's INTERVIEW Wednesday, October 7, 2009 at 10:30 PM

It was really good. I hope she can get others online like that. I can think of a few.

Stephanie Suthers
Renee Davis
Beverly from this site
Dee the owner of the other site

I could go on and on and on.............

Yeah that would be really cool. I am glad I tuned in. I was trying to make it home in time to listen(which I did), completely slipped my mind that I can listen to it later.
Re: REMEMBER TO TUNE INTO WANAKEE's INTERVIEW Wednesday, October 7, 2009 at 10:30 PM

Great interview, Longhairdontcare! :kiss:

Loved MsCocoface's question and good to hear your I can put a voice to the back of your hair...:lachen:

I'm glad she spoke about how she prayed about her products before they came to be and the end result is...of course, fabulous!

God is good and gives us good gifts to share!

Thanks again.

You are sooo funny.

I wanted to get her speak directly to the newbies. I think some tend to give up too quickly or get frustrated so easily not realizing it is a lifestyle change and well as a mental and physical one.

I usually sit in the background and say nothing but I had to speak about the product issues.

I almost salivated when she said she still had plenty of her OWN original formula that she uses. It took everything I had not to ask her if she would come on our site and go into the product for sale section and well errrr aaahhhmm EXCHANGE a bottle or two or three or 60 or.....:grin:.