Religion and Dating


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies,
Do you consider religion when dating? For example: If you're a Christian, would you date a Muslim, Hindu, and vice versa, or someone whose religious practices differed?
TIA for your input.

My first thread ever, and its in the relationship section! :blush: :look:
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Do you consider religion when dating? For example: If you're a Christian

A loud resounding . . . YES!

would you date a Muslim, Hindu, and vice versa, or someone whose religious practices differed?

I am doing it now. We are both followers of what is considered a "Christian" religion; however, he belongs to a mainstream one and I am studying to become part of a Christian religion that, ahem, shall we say is never on the lists when you're filling out papers; i.e., Baptist, Methodist, Catholic, Roman Catholic, Muslim, Sheik, Buddhist, etc., etc. :lol:

Why just this morning he asked me what I believe about "the father, son, holy spirit". I responded, Oh, you mean the "trinity doctrine"!!!! Hey, what can I say, I broke it down to the brotha . . . the term came about in something like 300-400 A.D. at the Council of Nicene I think (it's been a min. since I studied trinity origins). Jesus NEVER said nothing about no trinity; and neither did his father, Jehovah God, but that's another story, another thread, another place (trinity as in the doctrinal teaching, NOT as in there is a father - Jehovah God, the son - Jesus Christ and the holy spirit - God's active force).

Bottom line, my thoughts . . . he will be the last person I date that is not of the faith which I aspire to be. 'Cause God did not lie when he says anything including, "Do not become yoked with unbelievers . . ."
Birds of a feather flock together so it is just easier to get along with someone of like mind and it could save a lot of heartache further along. I do consider religion when I am dating. I have no problem with you subscribing to whatever religion you want, just don't force the religion and your beliefs down my throat and we'll get along just fine. Had a date with a Muslim guy a few months ago. I guess he wanted to impress me about him being religious. That was before he knew I don't subscribe to any religion at all. Been there done that. He asked me if I would consider converting to Islam and he was serious. That was after he talked about how great Islam was. Well that was our first and last date.
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if it is central to someone's life and practices then dating outside one's religion could be problematic. personally, i want to share my faith with my SO. Him tolerating my faith isn't good enough. I am pretty uncompromising on this point because my faith is a defining characteristic in my life. even some people who are kinda open get extra once they have kids. they remember their childhood and want to raise their children a certain way. i'm thinking of a story i saw on dateline when the husband baptized his child and sent the pic to his Jewish ex-wife out of spite. neither were really religious but she was balling her eyes out on dateline.
I'm one of those spiritual but not religious folks. I really don't care whether or not my guy believes the same as me however what I can't deal with is someone who doesn't accept me as me, including my inclusive broad notion of spirituality and God. So any one with a strong belief that their belief system is THE answer (whether he's an atheist, Christian, hard core New Ager, whatever) would not ride well with me. Can't handle dogmatic folks.
Yeah, I tried to date "outside" my religious beliefs, but when things got serious I realized that I couldn't do it.

He was Mormon...sigh
I'm politically liberal and converting to Judaism and he is an gungho Conservative Republican and Evangelical Christian...needless to say it didnt work out.
I'm Catholic but my Mom's Muslim and my Dad's Protestant Christian and they've been happily married for nearly 30 years. So I've seen first hand it can be done but I definitely understand people who say it's easier to be with someone of your same religion. But honestly, it'd be weird for me to be with another Catholic and I can't see myself with a Protestant so I guess its non-Christians for me lol. IMO interreligious relationships can work if both people are open-minded and don't believe their religion is the one true religion. My parents always taught me it doesn't matter what religion a person is as long as they believe in a higher power. My parents have allowed me to choose which religion suits me because they believe Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Daoism etc. all have something to offer. Hope this brings some light to things.
I'm non-religious, so I'm open to dating someone from other religious backgrounds, but I probably wouldn't do well w/ someone who was very religious. If I find a guy who wants to go to church/temple/whatever on Sundays and is fine w/ me not going, then that works.

Sight side note: my dad and I were talkign about my lack of religious affiliation and he said that I needed to start going to church b/c most people do and it can cause issues in relationships. I was slightly offended a tthe implication that I needed to do something I dont believe in or agree with just to placate others.
I'm not as open as other people. When I was dating I was never able to date a non-Christian. If I am ever in a position to date in the future I would still never date a non-Christian. I could only be with someone who has a special relationship with the Godhead not just a so called Christian.
I'm Buddhist, and I would never date someone who was a serious Christian. I'm open to most other religions, but I prefer Buddhists, Atheists/Agnostics, and Jews.
i could never date someone who was serious about religion. no devout christians, muslims, jews, etc. for me. :nono:

if they were religious in name but heathen in spirit that would work well for me but i'd prefer someone who was non-religious.
afrochique, if you don't mind me asking, are you Muslim thinking about dating a Christian? Just throwing out a guess here.

No, Aida. I am a Christian and a Hindu asked me out. He is smart, funny, and good looking but my first reaction was that its not going to work because I will not be chanting "Hare Krishna!" (No offense intended).
ScorpioBeauty09 I find that it is sometimes difficult for Christians to date among themselves too. For example, as you mentioned, the differences between Catholics and Protestants, or even among Protestants themselves.

I consider myself more spiritual than religious. I am not an ardent church-goer and I don't celebrate Christmas so I wouldn't be bothered if someone didn't go to church. I am more concerned about how they live their life: love, kindness, humility, patience, helpfulness and them believing in the Creator and in Jesus as the Son of God.
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I'm Buddhist, and I would never date someone who was a serious Christian. I'm open to most other religions, but I prefer Buddhists, Atheists/Agnostics, and Jews.

Roxy, If I may ask, why would you prefer to date a Jew over a serious Christian? And what is your view of a serious Christian? (This is not a judgmental question, just asking).
Uhh! me 2 father is muslim and my mother is protestant married for 25 years!

I'm Catholic but my Mom's Muslim and my Dad's Protestant Christian and they've been happily married for nearly 30 years. So I've seen first hand it can be done but I definitely understand people who say it's easier to be with someone of your same religion. But honestly, it'd be weird for me to be with another Catholic and I can't see myself with a Protestant so I guess its non-Christians for me lol. IMO interreligious relationships can work if both people are open-minded and don't believe their religion is the one true religion. My parents always taught me it doesn't matter what religion a person is as long as they believe in a higher power. My parents have allowed me to choose which religion suits me because they believe Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Daoism etc. all have something to offer. Hope this brings some light to things.
Roxy, If I may ask, why would you prefer to date a Jew over a serious Christian? And what is your view of a serious Christian? (This is not a judgmental question, just asking).

Because out of all the Abrahamic religions, I find Judaism the least offensive. Many of my good friends are Jewish, and I love their food and culture.

IMO, a serious Christian is one who regularly goes to church and has conservative views on homosexuality and gender. They also tend to have sexual guilt issues and a Madonna/Whore complex. It took me a long time, but I learned the hard way that dating serious Christians will bring me nothing but heartache.
Well, given that that's the reason Dutch Chocolate broke me little heart, I would have to respond with a resounding YES.