Relaxing/Texturizing Actually "Good" For Our Hair?


New Member
Relaxing/Texturizing Actually \"Good\" For Our Hair?

After getting over the initial shock of applying a texturizer to my hair and seeing that it was far from ravaged or damaged, in that I retained most of my curl pattern, I have a theory/question. Is it possible that we who have been natural for years have developed such a distaste or chagrin toward relaxers that we have blown out of proportion how damaging they can be for our hair? I was totally natural for 12+ years before applying the texturizer. Now my hair is easier to comb and style, and I am no longer breaking ends, having my ends turn into knots that have to be, basically, torn out. I feel like my hair has the potential to be healthier with a texturizer or even all-out relaxer should I choose to go there eventually than it does in its long natural state. I think natural type 4 hair that is long (10+ inches) can become cumbersome and counterproductive to health and growth because of the risk of losing ends from styling and tangling.

I think with careful and seldom (every two months or more) relaxing/texturizing, it IS possible to have healthy hair - and longer lengths also seem more possible.

Re: Relaxing/Texturizing Actually \"Good\" For Our Hair?

I am glad that you found something that worked for your hair but I will never put chemicals in my hair again. No matter how healthy it will be.

I don't know how you are styling your hair but you really should't be loosing hair if you are combing it right.

this was not meant to offend just curious on how you comb your hair.

If you like the look of texturized hair thats cool. As far as I see it how can those harsh chemicals be "good".
Re: Relaxing/Texturizing Actually \"Good\" For Our Hair?

You know I've noticed that my new growth is substanially drier than the relaxed hair, which I find odd, since it's the closest to the scalp (sebum) so I agree with you that it may be better for your hair.

Hair,Natural or Relaxed is DEAD there is no benefit from not relaxing, ie it's not gonna come to life if you stop relaxing.

I do it for ease of styling. Which is all it boils down to, ease of styling. For me, it's like untangling Christmas Lights. LOL
Re: Relaxing/Texturizing Actually \"Good\" For Our Hair?

I think it's a personal decision, but if texturized correctly while exercising proper care of your hair - I have to agree. Ripping out knots and dealing with totally tangled hair regardless of how gentle you are trying to be is far more damaging to me. A light texturizer or full blown relaxer isn't a bad thing with proper care and if used sparingly.
Re: Relaxing/Texturizing Actually \"Good\" For Our Hair?

Thanks for the responses so far!

I know it sounds counter-intuitive, and I am not actually saying that chemicals ARE GOOD for the hair. I am simply saying that I think some manipulation of the texture for longer lengths can definitely promote ease of care (less tangles, easier combing) and therefore help retain length that otherwise would have broken off from tangling, ripping, etc.

I think a lot of the relaxed hair I see looks horrific because most women do not know how to care for their hair. I think the prevailing answer is conditioning and consistent moisture.
Re: Relaxing/Texturizing Actually \"Good\" For Our H

Texturizing is probably a "happy-medium" between being relaxed and staying natural.
Re: Relaxing/Texturizing Actually \"Good\" For Our H

Texturizing is probably a "happy-medium" between being relaxed and staying natural.

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I agree. Also my hair seems to be holding moisture longer than when I was natural....
I guess I'm just happy with it frizz when I want it straight but not so straight I lose some of the body.
Re: Relaxing/Texturizing Actually \"Good\" For Our Hair?

Hair,Natural or Relaxed is DEAD there is no benefit from not relaxing, ie it's not gonna come to life if you stop relaxing.

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I totally agree with the above statement. HAIR IS DEAD.

I also agree with what Chica is saying. I was natural for almost 3 years (one month shy) and the longer my hair had gotten, the harder it was to wash/condition/style. Knots everywhere, tangles that took 30 minutes to take out, and breaking ends. I finally got fed up and researched books & the internet for an entire month. I read this board from front to back, back to front to find out what I can do to make it easier on my hair. I didn't want a full blown relaxer and I didn't want to stay natural because of the upkeep. I decided on a texturizer and couldn't wait to have the process done. The day after getting my virgin hair slightly relaxed, I thought I made a HUGE mistake. Don't get me wrong, the texturizer was beautiful and my curls were a lot looser, less frizzy and much easier to comb/style. For days I was angry at myself for putting a chemical in my hair. I had the mindset that relaxers are poison and all of my hair was going to fall out. I quickly got used to the texturizer and today, I am very happy with my hair. I wouldn't change it for anyone.

Like Sweet Cocoa said, the texturized hair holds moisture a lot longer than natural hair and that's exactly what your hair needs - MOISTURE.
Re: Relaxing/Texturizing Actually \"Good\" For Our Hair?

This is why I relaxed again. My hair was breaking more than it was growing.
Re: Relaxing/Texturizing Actually \"Good\" For Our Hair?

Hi Chica!

I have to admit...I too was dead set against relaxers due to the chemical makeup of them; I did research, I went natural, I blamed relaxers for my hair breaking. I did not become aware of what broke my hair out until I found this site and read a comment someone made about NOT relaxing more than your new growth even if it has been some time since your last relaxer. No brainer right
? If you've ever had braids before and waited a while to get a retouch, have you ever noticed how coarse your hair became? Almost like it had totally reverted back to its natural state but not as soft as natural hair? (I've since learned that's called "scab hair"). Well Dummy me thought that I was totally natural and had this hairdresser relax my entire head and she was in agreement
! Little did I know at the time that I had signed my hair's death warrant
! After relaxing however, my hair was long, silky, and bouncy but it started falling out gradually for the next six months
! I had no one to blame but myself!

That done, I decided that the relaxers were making my hair break and decided to go natural! Now mind you, I don't in anyway regret having gone natural (before texturizing) because I got to know my hair and its true texture (since my mom was always fixing it when I had natural hair as a child) and how to care for it. I also realized what great and marvelous hair we have with all its versatility and many textures, but I also experienced how some people regard our natural hair as a curse!
I think it's because since slavery we were always made to feel bad about our hair and thus kept it covered in scarfs and wraps (A wonderful fashion statement in the making
) That mentality continues even today and a lot of us still labor under that bondage!

Anyhoo, enough of history (I've been typing this message
for the last hour but I kept getting interrupted here at work)!

After learning about my mistake, and seeing the beautiful heads of relaxed hair on this site, I realized that maybe it wasn't the relaxer. Although I'm still an advocate of natural hair I now know that if proper care is given to hair whether natural, semi-relaxed, relaxed, braided, dreaded, etc. it will be beautiful and flourish!
Re: Relaxing/Texturizing Actually \"Good\" For Our H

The chemicals and maintenance required didn't go over so well with me.

I expected less upkeep as compared to my natural hair but it turned out to be about the same (time, products, etc.) I've been both relaxed and texturized but I'm happier and more comfortable maintaining my natural hair.
Re: Relaxing/Texturizing Actually \"Good\" For Our H

The chemicals and maintenance required didn't go over so well with me.

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Same here. If even commercial depilatories aren't supposed to exceed pH 12.7, and a typical relaxer is pH 13, skinny seconds separate a touchup from a disaster.
No wonder my stylist uses a ticking timer, blows off all interruptions, and ignores his phone calls when he's doing a touch up. These chemicals are caustic.

As far as upkeep of relaxed hair, I think we LHCF members make it more of a hobby than it absolutely HAS to be. The legendary Yvette grew 8 relaxed inches in a year with just Cream of Nature and a pinned up bun.
Re: Relaxing/Texturizing Actually \"Good\" For Our Hair?

I don't mean to offend anyone on here but texturized hair is NOT NATURAL. I had to say that because there is an abundance of women assuming the texturized hair is "natural". Basically a texturizers is a perm that isn't
kept on as long. Maybe people try to associate texturized hair with being natural because most of the curl pattern is still intact. Nevertheless, it is still chemicals in your hair. Many women believe that perms/texturizers made dealing with hair easier. However, it doesn't necessarily make hair healthier. The health of hair all depends on the individual taking care of it. Due to the harsh chemicals in perms,the individual has to take extra care and caution when dealing with their hair vs. someone who has virgin hair (i.e no perms, coloring, etc..) There are so many products avaliable these days where women shouldn't have to resort to perms. I'm saying this because so many women I know personally who have perms end up tryign to grow them out. The key to healthy hair is patience, understanding of your hair, and basic care.
Re: Relaxing/Texturizing Actually \"Good\" For Our Hair?

I don't mean to offend anyone on here but texturized hair is NOT NATURAL

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It's apparent that everyone here knows that.
Re: Relaxing/Texturizing Actually \"Good\" For Our H

Poster: Crysdon
What's your daily hair style SVT?

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When natural, I wear it pulled back into a high curly/kinky puff and the bottom is loose. Sometimes I tie the bottom also. I'm not as creative as I'd like to be with my natural hair.

With pressed hair I wear it parted on the side or down the middle then tuck the sides behind my ears. Or sometimes I do a braidout on pressed hair to give it a wavy look then gather the sides and front into a high ponytail with the bottom hairs loose.
Re: Relaxing/Texturizing Actually \"Good\" For Our H

Sounds like cute styles. I actually wear the curly puff throughout the entire summer. I think I'll try the loose bottom, thanks for giving me that idea
Re: Relaxing/Texturizing Actually \"Good\" For Our H

You're welcome, Crysdon.
Re: Relaxing/Texturizing Actually \"Good\" For Our Hair?

You waited three years while I waited one but pretty much everything you said applies to me! I love my texturizer. Finally I can comb my hair in a reasonable amount of time.
Re: Relaxing/Texturizing Actually \"Good\" For Our H

chica that was a great thot and i agree 100% coz at the rate my knots are formin ivmite end up losin a whole lotta hair, more than i wud if i was relaxed coz once my hair's straight then the comb jus glides thru
Re: Relaxing/Texturizing Actually \"Good\" For Our H

ngaa how are you combing your hair? Are you combing from the ends down with a wide toothed comb? You could also use a brush.( The one's with the little balls on the end of them.) I have 4b hair and the brush gets out all the tangles etc.
Re: Relaxing/Texturizing Actually \"Good\" For Our H

I was on a natural kick for a minute an wanted EVERYONE to be natural (or try it which I still think wouldn't hurt) until my friend told me she absolutely did not want to ever go natural becaause her hair was so kinky. So she parts her hair at the crown and shows me the wooliest kinkiest hair I've ever seen (4z!). I looked at her hair and I believe with all my heart taht she would have a time with that head of hers if she went natural. The only style option I could realistically see for her is a very kinky afro or dreads. So yes I do think that her relaxing her hair is a benefit. Me, well I am going to texturize my hair early next week. Do I have too? No, of course not but since I wear my hair straight in the winter anyway, I'm thinking this will be good for my hair because I won't be so apt to pull out my flat iron.

Off topic-How in the world do you guys get a pony puff? I can get a ponytail, but no puff. I think they are so cute but I have to tease my hair (think 80s) to get it to be a puff and then it loses all curl definition.
Re: Relaxing/Texturizing Actually \"Good\" For Our H

As far as upkeep of relaxed hair, I think we LHCF members make it more of a hobby than it absolutely HAS to be

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I agree. We really don't need all thsoe products, the upkeep is really simple.
Re: Relaxing/Texturizing Actually \"Good\" For Our H


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Re: Relaxing/Texturizing Actually \"Good\" For Our H

To each its own. But IMO i DON'T think Relaxing/Texturizing is "Good" for our hair.
Re: Relaxing/Texturizing Actually \"Good\" For Our Hair?

I don't mean to offend anyone on here but texturized hair is NOT NATURAL

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It's apparent that everyone here knows that.

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I agree....this site is very well informed in what is and what is not 'natural'....but you have to read the thread from the beginning to know that this is not what this thread is about...
Re: Relaxing/Texturizing Actually \"Good\" For Our Hair?

I don't mean to offend anyone on here but texturized hair is NOT NATURAL

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The misconception is partly because of clever advertising.
1. If the active ingredient is sodium hydroxide, then it's called a lye relaxer.
2. If the active ingredient is calcium Hydroxide or lithium hydroxide or guanidine carbonate, then the box says no-lye.
3. When the active ingredient is some other chemical, the term "natural" is often in the product name (Natural relaxer, Curl free natural curl relaxer, Natural curlex curl relaxer).

So women who texturize with the 3rd type of chemical treatment are naturally relaxed?
General chemistry was my least favorite class freshman year.
Re: Relaxing/Texturizing Actually \"Good\" For Our Hair?

I would never go back to relaxing/texturizing. I've learned how to be patient with my natural hair; yes, as it grows, it's a lot more work but I'm willing to put that time in instead of running back to chemicals. And no chemicals, regardless of how "easy" it makes the combout, are good, especially in the long run. I look at how long my hair was when I was a child (nearly waist length), before any perms touched my head, compared to the max. length I was ever able to attain with it straightened (a few inches past the shoulders). I'm just not willing to take the risk of putting chemicals on my hair ever again.