
New Member
Ok...I was reading the hair relaxing tips from Shamboosie's book and I can't understand at all some of these parts. Can someone help me (preferably before 6:00 eastern time)? I'm getting a relaxer today.

Ok.........steps 1,2,4 I understand so you can skip them if you want. I only typed them to clarify the next steps that I don't understand (ok, hope you understand that!

1. Section the hair into 4-quarter section, down the center of the head, and from ear to ear. Twist, and clip each section into place. (GOT THAT PART)

2. When beginning the relaxer prcoess, DO NOT apply relaxer first around the face and hairline, and DO NOT apply the chemical around all of the partings separating the quarter sections. To do this will indeed cause scalp burns in these areas because the chemical starts to work the moment it touches the hair and scalp. You want total control of this chemical. The relaxer should be applied to each quarter section separetly as you go. Finish applying product to one quarter section before starting the next. Start in the back of the head first, never around the face first. (GOT THAT PART)

3. When smoothing, do not maintain or smooth those partings between the quarter sections, only the horizontal parting of each quarter section. To do otherwise will cause the hair to separate down the middle of the head and from ear to ear in the finished look, and it could take a week or two to get rid of those seperations. (WHAT?)

4. Apply relaxer to the outline of the first quarter section in the back of the head. Start on the left or right side. This means the chemical should not be applied to any other areas of the head. Remember, each quarter section of the hair is handled separetly. (GOT THAT)

5. Next start at the top of the first quarter section and make 1/4-inch horizontal partings. Apply the relaxer to the upper side of each parting only, as you go along and use enough of the chemical to get the job done. This will add speed to the application process. The bottom side of the part will share the chemical on the top half of the parting when next part is made and chemical is applied to the upper side of that parting. (What? Where do you make these partings? I don't get this)

6. The first applicating must be completed in 10 minutes (about 2 1/2 minutes per section). Again, using fresh partings start with the first quarter section working from the top. (So you just do what I just did over again and try to get the partings in a different place in an effort to cover every part? Is that right?)

7. Make thin sub-sections, and apply additional relaxer where needed to the upper side of the horizontal partings only, for faster application. (I thought I Just did that)

3. He's saying smooth from top to bottom with your strokes. If you smooth left to right or right to left, your hair will be relaxed and fall in that direction.

5. Make parts within each section. I use my fingers.

6. You're just breaking each section down into sections. Compare this to dividing a cake up into 4 large pieces. Then cutting each piece into several other pieces. I hope that makes sense.

7. Sounds redundant. I don't do this. I apply my relaxer cream to upper and lower areas of the parts.

{edited to add: On second thought, I don't know about that ear to ear thing he's talking about, but he's saying don't smooth in the part. I smooth everything. How else is it supposed to get straighter?...Interesting}
I'm not that methodical. I've not experienced the issue with the partings. I usually separate my hair into sections and work on each section at a time. I start off vertically and then check it horizontally to ensure coverage.
Thank you so much CurlyCrly!! and lala.

I have no idea how that part would get straight. I'm gonna just smooth it anyway. I never had a prob before.

To be honest, when I first started relaxing my hair, I parted it in the 4 quadrants. After a while I never parted it at all. I just start at the bottom and work up to the front hairline. I do the sides last because it doesn't stay on as long there.