relaxing question


Well-Known Member
If you relax your hair, are you supposed to use a neutralizer to make sure all of the perm is out? I had my sewn-in weave re-done by a friend and I don't think she used one for the hair that was left out. She did use some shampoo and conditioner (I think) after she washed the relaxer out of my hair. In addition, she did not base my scalp before adding the perm on, so when it was being washed out, it burned like crazy. My hair scalp (on that area) feels okay now, but I just need to know for future reference.
I self-relax using Affirm, and the instructions direct you to use their conditioner immediately after rinsing the relaxer from your hair. But after that, I have to follow up with a neutralizing shampoo. You definitely need the neutralizing shampoo to stop the relaxer action. Are you sure that the shampoo she used wasn't a neutralizer? I imagine regular shampoo might do the trick too, but I'm not sure. Please check with your friend to find out what she used! How long ago was this?
Yeh u are suppose to use a NS, but some dont, I dont think it really matters if you wash ur hair 4-5 times.
Ditto what KitKat said. You definitely need a neutra shampoo, not so much to make sure the relaxer is out, but to stop the chemical process and help return the hair to the normal PH balance. Any shampoo can help get the relaxer out, but you need to stop the relaxer action.
Kitkat said:
I self-relax using Affirm, and the instructions direct you to use their conditioner immediately after rinsing the relaxer from your hair. But after that, I have to follow up with a neutralizing shampoo. You definitely need the neutralizing shampoo to stop the relaxer action. Are you sure that the shampoo she used wasn't a neutralizer? I imagine regular shampoo might do the trick too, but I'm not sure. Please check with your friend to find out what she used! How long ago was this?

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My friend used Hawaiian Silky (she didn't know what strength it was) relaxer, and washed my hair with Dove shampoo and conditioner. She did this today. My hair feels fine, but I don't want it to fall out later.
the purpose of a neutralizing shampoo is to bring the ph of your hair back down to a safe ph. normal shampoo's won't do this so the ph of your hair will remain in the 12-14 which is very dangerous. a ns also stops the relaxer from working. so even though you might have washed out all the visible relaxer there might still be some in the actual hair shaft that is still relaxing your hair.
I guess I'm the only one confused by the question. 19 it sounds like you're saying you had a touch-up done while you had a weave in. Help me out here cause I'm really confused.
Sorry for the confusion, Unsummayah. What I meant was that my friend touched up the small portion of my real hair that was to be left out to blend in with the weave. I had about an 1 1/2 inches of new growth and she didn't want to flat iron it. I don't like using heat on my hair, but I preferred to use the heat rather than get that part of my hair relaxed.

The nuetralizing shampoo stops the chemical process of a relaxer. Your normal ph in your hair is 4-5.5 but when you use a relaxer the ph is usually 12-14 which is very high.

The Neutralzing Shampoo bring back your hair to it's normal ph level. If you do not use Neu Shampoo after you relax the chemical will continue to break down you hair due to the high ph, swell(cuticle) and fall out! over time.

That's why it is so important, when the Shampoo says neutralizing, it let's you know that it will lower the ph in you hair back to normal. Some do use a conditioner right after they relax then the Neu Shampoo. That is fine as long as you know for a Fact that the conditioner has a ph factor of 5.5 or lower. Usually the the relaxer will recomended the conditioner to use Ex Motions tells you which one of theirs you can use.

So it is so important to use it, I can't stress it enough! If you don't the relaxer will eat your hair away!
You need to run, not walk, to the BSS and get some neutralizing shampoo.

Late last fall, all of my hair from behind one ear up through the crown broke off to the new growth (.5 inch) because I had read on the jazma site that water does most of the neutralizing process. After reading that, I blew it off and only shampooed twice WITH neutalizing shampoo because I was lazy. Now, I will spend 30 minutes neutralizing, shampooing 4-6 times leaving it on for 5 minutes at a time, making sure it turns white. That section of my hair is now 3 inches long after reading threads and following the advice on this site.

I'm sure there are people who can use regular shampoo and not lose their hair, but I'll bet they are few and far bewteen.
Years ago, when I was about 10 years old my mom forgot to use a neutralizing shampoo after relaxing. ALL my hair fell out. I remember how distraught my mom was. Neutralizing is a part of the relaxing process and it cannot be left out!!
Okay, I guess I am the black sheep of the board b/c I do not use neutralizing poo after I perm. I use Precise no-lye and I have never had a problem not using neutralizers. I prefer not to b/c they make my hair extremely dry and rough. I know why but I don't like it. I just use regular poos.

So, I guess my answer to your question is that it depends on your hair. Everyone is not the same, however, there's no need to feel paranoid if your friend did not use one. Like someone else mentioned, a lot of people (incl me) do not.
You are not the only black sheep. I don't use neutralizing shampoo either. I felt guilty for awhile, but nothing has happened. I read somewhere that Mizani relaxer can be rinsed out with water, so I don't feel so bad using a regular shampoo.