Relaxing monthly

I really have a hard time understanding why anyone would need to relax monthly but by the look of her other videos her hair does look healthy. Whatever works for her I guess.
I heard her say monthly relaxers in a previous video but I thought I was hearing things. She claims she has really coarse hair, but I we'd think ok, but her hair must grow two inches a month or at least one for it to be that unmanageable
Could not be me... but its her life.

I have a throwback thread saved in my favorites and she relaxed every 5 weeks.

I'll search for it in a few minutes..
I would go into a rant about how she shouldn't do that and blah blah blah.....but I'm subscribed to her and watched her go from shoulder length to APL in about 7 months, sooo... :look:
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If it works for her.... I'd be bald if I tried it.... She seems to have more than average growth anyway... Her hair strands must be really coarse to be able to withstand the monthly relaxer...
I'm jealous. I mean, that's a harsh treatment to the hair monthly, but as we learn in the hair world, its all about technique. Can't knock it if it not you trying it!

Her sister neck roll though! It's like the attitude vibrates off her. I'm subscribing to her though.

Please excuse my iPhone; it's trying to get it together
I use to relax every 4 weeks back in the day and overlapped something serious when I was a self-relaxer. I'm talking early 20s after first moving away from home. My hair flourished. I wasn't about taking pics back then so I don't have proof but I can assure, this is truth. I simply didn't know any better and the hair angels were looking out for me. I didn't suffer any damage or setbacks (although I wasn't familiar with this word back then). Now knowing what I do, I wouldn't relax monthly. I will say though, my hair was tougher back then and took quite a beating like a champ. My hair would catch an attitude, pack her bags, throw up the deuces and walk slap out on me if I tried to pull that stunt now.
I wish I had that much freedom with my hair! She is lucky her hair can handle all of that. Here I am scared to straighten my hair more than every two months
Personally I love using heat and would rather do heat than relaxers. I miss those days. but!! I think she does relax a bit too much. I think you need to relax after a minimum of 1 inch of growth. If you are a slow grower, this regimen would be the kiss of death for your hair.
Could not be me... but its her life.

I have a throwback thread saved in my favorites and she relaxed every 5 weeks.

I'll search for it in a few minutes..

How are you saving threads in your favorites? Is there a way to favorite/save something on LHCF? Or, are you bookmarking the thread in your browser?

I subscribe to the thread and can see the thread at a later date & get notifications when new posts are made on the thread.

I also save threads through bookmarking them in a useful/inspirational folder through my computer

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I use to relax every 4 weeks back in the day and overlapped something serious when I was a self-relaxer. I'm talking early 20s after first moving away from home. My hair flourished. I wasn't about taking pics back then so I don't have proof but I can assure, this is truth. I simply didn't know any better and the hair angels were looking out for me. I didn't suffer any damage or setbacks (although I wasn't familiar with this word back then). Now knowing what I do, I wouldn't relax monthly. I will say though, my hair was tougher back then and took quite a beating like a champ. My hair would catch an attitude, pack her bags, throw up the deuces and walk slap out on me if I tried to pull that stunt now.

I totally agree. I used to relax my hair every 5-6 weeks AND flat ironed once a week. My hair was thick and I kept it around BSL. I definitely have some very resilient hair (thank the Lord) but I also knew enough to DC every wash, wet wrap (to avoid blowdrying), wrapped my hair (to avoid having to use the flat iron more than once a week) and used a moisturizer.

I say ALL that to say, if it works for her hair (and it obviously does because her hair looks pretty healthy to me), HHJ 'rules' don't matter! There is another youtuber who relaxes every month as well and her hair is gorgeous:
I have a very short cut and I relax monthly.......I use limited heat during the month and actually wrap/mold my hair and let it dry overnight when I relax/wash and when I wash my hair. My hair grows quickly and when I did try to stretch even when my hair was longer it would break.
I used to relax my hair every 4 weeks the earliest without any issues, my hair was MBL at its longest. I will say though I do have some coarse stands, so I'm sure that played a part in its resilience coupled with the fact that my mother was the one taking care of it at the time. I smh about it now, but despite everything my hair was healthy and I retained length. Since I moved away from home I've neglected my hair and it became damaged, I had to cut it from MBL last year to SL but now with proper care it's BSL now. Now I stretch my relaxers, before I never gave it a thought. Everyone's hair is different, as long as it's working for her, I say more power to her.

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Sounds like she has a real weak demarcation line. She is also still a teenager and her cells are still strong and reproducing quickly I guess. In 15 years, she might be here complaining about bald spots :look: Hopefully that won't happen.

Best of luck to her!