relaxing just your edges


Well-Known Member
With the hot summer weather here, I am thinking of just touching up my edges as I have been wearing a bun style this summer. I don't want to get a retouch until August but I want my edges to look nice and smooth. I use elasta qp glaze but my edges still need help. Do any of you perm only your edges once in a while? What do you think about this?
I've heard woman ask if I charge less for a mini perm than a whole head perm. What do you do the next time you do a whole head perm the edges would need less perm than the rest. you would have to be real careful.. not to over lap and cause breakage.
i used to do this when i was new relaxed head. LOL. I think it will be okay if you dont overlap as hairmaster said but why dont you wait it out so you can do everything all at once. there are a lot of things that you can use to lay down your edges. eg, mango butter as perfectdoak suggested
I thought about doing this as well, but I just don't want to risk the damage, besides I would probably just be tempted to do all of my hair.
I recently got my edges relaxed with profectiv and everything seems ok so far. i spray surge on it everyday to prevent any damage. doing this has distracted me from relaxing my whole head which is a good thing as i'm trying to stretch for 12 months. i'm 4a/b.
"edge ups" can be fine for a time or two here and there, but I wouldn't do it time after time. As Carrie and others said, it can put a hurt on the edges.
My edges are a finer texture than the rest of my hair making them more supceptible to damage. I relax my edges every OTHER touch-up because of this. I can't imagine what the outcome of relaxing in BETWEEN touch-ups (oh my).

I would suggest applying product and using a satin scarf to lay them down. If that doesn't work (I am sure you have already tried) maybe using a relaxer for a short period of time will do the trick. Please share your experience with whatever you decide.
My stylist called this a "halo," and I used to do it very occasionally in place of a regular retouch. I would only get retouches every few months, but when I was wearing it very straight my edges would clearly be different from the rest of my hair. I never saw any breaking damage from the procedure, but let me add that my hair was only ever damaged from my (lack of) maintenance, not because of a retouch. If your hair is sensitive to relaxer damage, I'd be cautious.
I may do this iso getting a full relaxer every 8-10 weeks, just relax the edges and get a full relaxer at 20 weeks. This way, can't be anymore damaging then what I already do.
By doing that I can stretch it longer. I have to just take extra care of my edges with conditioner, leave ins, etc.
Well, I plan to go ahead and do it on Sunday as I have a workshop to attend on Monday and I want my hair to lay down right.