Relaxing in sections


New Member
I recall someone replying to a previous post of mine about leaving relaxers on too long...she said to relax
half the head at a time, meaning apply it on one side, rinse,neutralize and leave conditioner on as you proceed to
condition the next can this be accomplished without getting the other side of the head wet???
When I did it I relaxed the front first and used a shower cap on the back half. A little of the hair got a little wet, but since I based and applied carefully I didn't burn.
I relaxed in sections when I first started texturizing. I made a part in the middle of my head going from forehead to nape. Then I placed the elastic section of the cap on the part line of one side and pulled the rest of the cap down towards my ear on that side. I used pins to secure it. I did the relaxer process on the uncovered side, then plaited it up in large plaits. I then covered that side up and did the other side. Once the second side was done, I reshampooed/neutralized both sides. Then I conditioned.
Note: I always did the side of the head that had easier access to the tub faucet first, then did the second side in the shower, along with the reshampoo/neutralize of both.