Relaxing hair while pregnant...


Hey ladies, I haven't been on here in a while but I have a question. I am in my nineth month of pregnancy and I want to get a touch up before I go into labor. I want to have a straight style where my hair is pulled back off my face but in place. My last relaxer was in December (last week of). I wanted to wait 6 months but I think 4 months is long enough of a wait and I just want my hair to be tamed. Do you think this is okay since I am pregnant and due in 2weeks? Does anybody have any style suggestions? I am looking for a style that I do not have to worry about combing or brushing because all of my focus is going to be on the baby. Thanks ladies!
Yes.. I know some of my girls doctors allowed them to have wine around this time as well.. So a relaxer is ok.. (from what my OB told me)

Girl, I had my hair in a wrap in a silk scarf in the L&D room :lol: so I could comb it down for pictures although I had a big waterhead at the time :lol:
A relaxer did not take when I was pregnant. I tried it early in the pregnancy and it did not work and you know I was not happy. So for the 9 months I had to go without which was not a good time. So if it works for you go for it.
by this time you can definitely get a relaxer, it's the first 3 months that you have to be careful. Go for it, I had flat twisted my hair all up with curls for my second pregnancy. that way it sayed in place.
I am glad to read this...I am 9 weeks but I needed a relaxer 12 weeks ago..oh well...I guess I am going to have to stretch a lil' longer..
Congrats MusicLova,

I asked my OB/Gyn this same question and was told, and I quote, "As long as you don't eat the relaxer, you and the baby are safe." :)

I thought his sarcasm was cute, but I still was like, "Are you sure???" I've done a lot of research on the topic and have read mixed opinions, but I trust my doc. I'm 6 months and I am in desperate need and plan on relaxing in a couple of weeks, then possibly once more just before delivery. As for styles, I plan on wearing my standard ponytail slicked back - which would work even if I decide not to relax in my last month.

The whole nine months of my pregnancy I wore braid or corn rows. Just before I was due, I just got some fresh corn rows and WOW 2 days later my baby girl decided to come one week early...
I have to agree with Southergirl's post--if you are not ingesting this product it is not going to be a problem.

I will say that the relaxer may not take because pregnancy may have changed the pH in your body and thus any new growth you've obtained since being pregnant is of a different pH now than it would be if you were not pregnant. I read that pregnant women can help the relaxer to take better by washing your hair very well 1 day before the relaxer.
i relaxed with my other four pregnancies, but this time i'm transitioning, (1 year relaxer-free.) but good luck to you if it takes.
Bumping - my doc told me this week that I shouldn't relax my hair until after my 18 week exam. She said that anything that can be absorbed into the bloodstream should be avoided.
I relaxed regularly throughout all 4 of my pregnancies with no ill effects. My children are kinda simple but not abnormally so and otherwise perfectly healthy. With one of the pregnancies, I thought my relaxer didn't "take" well but now knowing what I know, I think it may have been excessive growth because those pre-natals made my hair grow like wildfire. I'm not a doc but I never considered this to be a huge risk nor did my OB.
I didn't relax at all while pregnant with my daughter, I decided not to becuase I was on the very, very windy side of Hawaii and combing my hair every 5 seconds was driving me crazy. So I decided on corn rows, but my hair was short at the begining but we worked it out. After having my baby girl, I still wore my hair braided until my hubby & I left Hawaii 3 years later (military). So then my hair was below bra strap length and I got my first relaxer, man oh man that was fun... Plus it was easier to get pretty without having to spend time on doing my hair, when I wash it was easy in the shower and conditioning also. And it took me no time to get up, get ready feed my child and go to work..
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I don't think anything will happen if I relax before the doc gives me the "ok." However, I don't want to take any chances and I think I can last until then. Its just hair and I have been experimenting with braid outs.
Supergirl said:
I read that pregnant women can help the relaxer to take better by washing your hair very well 1 day before the relaxer.
This doesn't sound like good advice to me.:nono:
I think that while youre pregnant you should stay away from all uncecessary chemicals and toxic substances. Why not get some braids or cornrows that way you wont have to deal with your hair (and you may not have time to with a newborn).
I also relaxed during my first pregnancy. I didn't do it in the first trimester (I was so sick I didn't go anywhere anyway!), and I will do the same this time. However, since I'm stretching, I will only get 2 relaxers during this whole pregnancy. I think you'll be fine if you base well.
:wave: Hi everyone! I'm a newbie, bumping this thread...

I am six weeks pregnant, and 11 weeks post-relaxer. For my first pregnancy, I waited until after the first trimester to relax, and only did it twice during the pregnancy. However, now that I am "over-due" relaxer-wise, I'm debating braids or twists (I'm not a fan of cornrows) to stretch me into the second trimester. Unfortunately, I've never had braids before. Specifically what type have you all done? Does anyone have pics to share? I prefer large twists to small braids... any ideas? I'm just hoping to have them in for another 6 weeks, then I'll likely take them out and relax closer to Christmas.

Thanks in advance for your help!

BTW, my hair is 4a/4b relaxed, and is just past my shoulders. I'll start an album soon....
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My hair didn't take relaxer while I was pregnant, or even a month after I gave birth. I would braid my hair in conrows all the time or tie a scarf over it.
I'm new also. I am just over 5 months pregnant. I wanted to go natural but couldn't stand the non curled fuzzeis I was getting so I went to the Phyto. I've wanted to do Phyto since hearing so many positive things about it. I've used the Phyto line prior and like the philosophy behind the products. It did well and I didn't have any problems.
When I was pregnant my doctor gave me an article that showed a study of chemicals from relaxers & perms getting into the bloodstream..It also stated that some pregnant women were at a higher risk of birth defects & complications from this...I made a personal decision NOT to expose my unborn child to anything that was potentially harmful..I just got braids until after his birth & breast feeding...My hair grew about 7 inches plus my son was born happy & healthy!!!
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I wore braids the entire time I was prego. After my son was born I took my twist out and I had APL hair!! It was lush and beautiful until the post natal shedding started then it was :cry:
Correction: I got relaxed right before I had my son.... Now that I remember, I couldn't sit still long enough for a braiding session!! LOL
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byrdmail said:
Bumping - my doc told me this week that I shouldn't relax my hair until after my 18 week exam. She said that anything that can be absorbed into the bloodstream should be avoided.

I was told almost the same thing by my doctor. So I really waited it out. I wore a lot of roller sets.
I was told the same thing about the blood stream on relaxers by my doc when I was pregnant, but on the other side. While pregnant, my scalp was a whole lot more receptive to the relaxer burn. IT burned some thing horrible. And I normally dont burn easily.
I've had my hair relaxed 3 times since I've been pregnant. My doctor said it was okay, but I still waited until I was out of my first trimester b4 I got a touch-up. I guess my question is..How does it enter your bloodstream if it's applied only to your new growth?
Now that I look back, next month will be 10 years after my pregancy with my one and only son. I was wearing braids back then and wore then up until the last month of my pregancy... I did one relaxer before I delivered. That was not by my design, it's just how it happened... Interesting.
I know sometimes I go off on silly tangents or get too "philosophical" about things, but in this instance I think only by the grace of God do we have healthy children. I say this because I work in the medical field and see so many people have "healthy" lifestyles that have children born with a myriad of problems, and my heart goes out to them. I really believe most of these defects actually come from a chemical (genetic) imbalance within our own bodies, not so much from anything outside, unless of course there is drug/alcohol/nicotine or other abuse. Those of us with healthy children should praise God everyday, cause believe me, it's nothing we did or could have done to make them that way. That being said, I relaxed throughout all 3 of my pregnancies because I was oblivious that it would be contraindicated. My docs, including an AA OB, never mentioned it could be a problem. My oldest spoke two languages at 9 months old, one she picked up at the sitter's house; she spoke clearly enough that her hispanic doctor translated to me what she was saying (I was shocked, I didn't know she was doing this and the sitter never told me.) She was singing patty cake and some song about a chicken on the farm! LOL I thought when she wasn't speaking in English, which she was doing amazingly well for a 9-month-old, that she was babbling, but she actually was switching between both languages. My middle child is now the only AA child in Honors AP geometry, four years before I even took it in high school, and my youngest has always been an A student, though mischieveousness is making it harder to keep him in line. They are both in christian school and excel in anything related to Bible study, which is a required class, and every sport they play; both boys, one young teen, and one elementary. Now I'm not bragging on my kids, not that I wouldn't;), but I want you to know that God would not let a relaxer control the lives of his babies. Disclaimer: This is all my personal story and my belief. But sometimes when I get worried about all these chemicals and toxins in our food and products, like we do mention on this site, I sometimes have to get a hold of myself and give it over to God. I do try to eat and cook healthier and take my vitamins, but my 100-year-old aunt who is still going strong ate good country cooking and relaxed her hair with lye like they did back in the day, as did my 96-year-old aunt and my 87-year-old grandmother, who just 10 years ago hosted her own radio talk show and took computer classes at the community college. They were not vegetarians and did not take a whole bunch of supplements. Praise the Lord!!!