Relaxing hair while pregnant


Think Slim
Hi all,

This topic may have already been addressed, but I couldn't find a thread for it.

I'm only 6 wks pregnant and I'll be due for a touch-up in about 4 wks. I am wondering what some of you do/did during pregnancy. I can live withoug my Sebastian cellophane, but my hair is too thick and it's still too short to do much with naturally.

I thought of braids, but I get migraines, couldn't even where pony-tails too often due to migraines.

Any feedback is appreciated.
I relaxed throughout my pregnancy with the O.K. from my doctor first. My hair was so thick and full!! I had no problems! My child is a monster though! LOL!! You may want to think twice about it!
I relaxed during my pregnancies as well and my kids are fine. If you are leery about it wait until after the first trimester as this is when most of the organs are developing... although there really has been no proof that relaxing will any have adverse affects on the fetus.
I relaxed during pregnancy and my son is fine also. I didn't get color until after the pregnancy.

Good Luck,
