Relaxing Hair for the First Time


New Member
Hi Ladies,

So I haven't posted alot on the threads but have read tons of comments about breakage, conditioners, etc. and I've spoken to some of the other ladies about this but thought I get other views as well.

I went to the Dominican Salon here in MD back in the beginning of March. This is the second time I have gone there and I have had great results before. Well I guess the second go around wasn't that great. I got a relaxer done but she more than just relaxed my NG, she put the relaxer on my already relaxed strands of hair:wallbash:! (This has happened at a black salon I used to go to as well). Time and time again I've asked to any salon I go to, ONLY RELAX THE NEW GROWTH . I must be speaking in a different language. This is how I always end up with breakage and ultimately doing a BIG CHOP...every since finding this forum I've been able to avoid the big chop and make a quick recovery where breakage to my hair is very minimal but I'm at the point where I've said enough is enough. I'm debating about doing my own relaxer's but wanted to find out from ladies on here how you felt about doing your own touchup's, etc. I told my mom the other day I saw her and of course she thinks I'm obsessed about my hair but she hasn't had to go through what I'm going through now. She gave me the look of, "Don't you even dare or else you'll end up bald headed." I even had my co-worker the other day who takes care of her own hair and does her own relaxer's tell me I can do all of what the professionals do on my own and stop paying ridiculous prices.

I know if I do my research and consult someone on this, even try to find a dummy doll to practice on, I will be able to touchup my own hair without walking out of a salon pissed at the fact that I'm the paying customer and this is what I asked to be's a frustrating point for me.

What would be a good relaxer to start with? Nothing to strong and as a low pH level and for anyone who has done a relaxer for the first time, how did it turn out? What were you afriad of?

Thanks all!

Hey Drea

What I would suggest is practicing on your own head but use cholesterol or any other thick conditioner to mimic the relaxer. This way you can practice and get some deep conditioning in at the same time

What kind of hair do you have? Is it fine etc.... That can give you a better idea as to what relaxer to look for. Also, check out the Self-Relaxing sticky. LadyEsquire put together some of the most helpful threads for those who self-relax.
Thank you...that's a good idea.

I have 4a/4b, thick, coarse hair. I'll definitely take a look at that thread.
