Relaxing front of hair only


New Member
I don't want to relax my whole head (it's no point since I wear half wigs the majority of the time)....

Is there anyone out there who relaxes the front of their head only from time to time.

I just want to relax the front only and get to touching up the rest of my head maybe once/twice per year:yep:...

Thoughts and opinions...?
I've heard of people relaxing only their edges; pretty sure there are some threads on this. I never quite understood this practice.
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I've this for my last 2 touch ups. I relax the back and not the front. I bleach and dye the front of my hair and so I just decided to stop relaxing, plus I like the waves, lol. I haven't had any trouble with doing that.
i do this all the time when i am stretching as of last year i only relax twice a year but i love half wigs and weaves so i only relax what i plan to leave out and relax the rest every 6 months
I have thought about that because the nape seems to the most coarse and the middle seems like a wave but I thought I was stupid