Relaxing Edges!

It's not a new phenomenon. I had several friends do variations of this as far back as the late 80s, e.g., one would do relaxer touch ups every four months and relax the hairline every two months; another would relax her hairline again in between touch ups; still another would relax her hairline after she'd had braids put in; etc. They all had full, thriving hairlines. IMO, it's no different that those who relax the hair that's left out after having a weave/extensions put in.
Has one heard of this new trend? It’s a natural haired woman who relaxes her edges straight so they’ll lay down! That’s the dumbest crap I’ve ever heard of!

If I cared much about laid edges I would probably do this. Seems like a smart solution to make it easier to achieve the smooth edges look, if that's what you like ;)

I saw a woman relax her EYELASHES once. :cantlook::nono: Nothing surprises me anymore
It's not the worst idea in the world, if done properly. I mean if you're that serious about your edges being smooth, cut out the middle man I guess.
I do wonder how it looks between touch ups.
My edges are baby fine and smooth down easily so if I ever even thought about a relaxer they'd just abandon me forever I'm sure.
It's not the worst idea in the world, if done properly. I mean if you're that serious about your edges being smooth, cut out the middle man I guess.
I do wonder how it looks between touch ups.
My edges are baby fine and smooth down easily so if I ever even thought about a relaxer they'd just abandon me forever I'm sure.

Not sure why but this statement is so funny to me :lachen:
MY scalp reacts poorly to relaxers so I wouldn't do it, but as mentioned up thread this is definitely not the first time I've heard of it especially on this board.
I knew of relaxed and natural women to do it. Relaxed women did it because edges grow faster and it helped keep edges laid because they often stretched at least 4 months between relaxers. Natural who did it I didn’t understand because they were so proud of not relaxing but needed laid edges o_O
I only see the purpose of doing this if you're a straight wig/weave wearer and you want your leave out to blend better.
I don't dare relax my edges or even the sides anymore because the front part of my hair is the most fragile and slowest growing and doesn't "need" a relaxer because it doesn't curl that much to begin with and heat trains/damages easily.
What I have begun to do is to ONLY relax the back part of my hair where it's curliest. So I'm sort of half natural, half relaxed. But I only relax the back in warm weather so I really don't know what to call it. Backrelaxedstretched :lol:
So I do understand only relaxing part of your hair .
Just my opinion....

I think this is another byproduct of glorifying looser textures in the natural hair community. Type 4s want their curls AND edges to ‘lay’ like theirs and this is the extreme that some take to get it. It has/will never be quite that serious for me but to each her own.
Is she a member here? Getting topics from here?

THIS! As soon as she said "Hello COUSINS!..." that was the first thing that came to mind.

I didn't watch the whole video--short attention span-- but I saw where she was going. I find this to be such a non-issue, as far as the "natural or not" debate goes. My answer is: who cares!

As other posters have stated, the risk of hair damage and the inability to properly blend with the remaining untreated textures would be my main concern personally. Other people can do as they please. I guess I'm not such a purist.
I don't think everytime someone attempts to do something to achieve a sleeker look more easily achievable in other looser textures than a red carpet needs be pulled on people hating type 4 hair. We have moved away from that natural hair nazi/ preachy stage. The issue is coarse type 4 hair textures have taken a backseat in favour of loose curls in terms of visibility now that natural hair has spilled into the mainstream. Black hair companies disappoint me when the tightest hair they showcase their product on is perhaps silky 3C and the occasional silky 4a.

Coarser/tighter hair types need more visibility and examples on how good they also can look and more effort should be made from natural hair companies to cater to that audience's needs. AT the same time every hairstyle choice should not be reduced to self hate. Present the pros and cons of the style choice, some alternatives and let people make their own decisions.

I dont have baby hair and never must be an American style choice, but I do occasionally like a sleek style. I lay it down with some water and pomade and a scarf and leave it at that.
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