Relaxing crown at 9 wks, rest of head at 12 wks


New Member
I am 10 weeks posts today. Last time I stretched to 15 weeks but the crown and the hair right to the back of the crown started shedding/breaking weeks before that. That area is the infamous 4z. It also grows faster than the rest of my head. So I've been thinking about relaxing that area at 8-9 weeks and the rest at 12-14 weeks. Do you think that would be ok to do? Are there any issues you think I should be concerned about like overlapping, etc. If there are any onf you who do this already, please let me know how this works for you. Thanks

I think anything possible if it works out okay show us soome results.I remember seeing this on the board maybe once/twice.
I'd say just be careful into not overlapping.. that is my fear. I will be relaxing my own head in about a week...since my mom won't be able to do it anymore:(
How would you prevent the relaxer from reaching the other parts of you head, especially when you're rinsing it out?
MJ said:
How would you prevent the relaxer from reaching the other parts of you head, especially when you're rinsing it out?

I honestly don't think you can avoid the other parts of your head...atleast in my experiences.. but it may somehow be workable for others.
I read somewhere from one of the other ladies that they part their hair across from ear to ear and start perming the back while the top part is in a pony protected with a plastic bag. She then goes into the shower and wash the back out, put condish on and pony and baggy that then proceed with the top part the same as the back. HTH
thanks for the response ladies. I already do the half and half witht he plastic cap because I just can't work fast enough to relax the entire head at once. I'm thinking of continuing to do that but treat the crown at a totally different time. I was thinking along these lines: I coat the rest of my hair with something like vaseline and tied it out of the way, relax the crown, then get into the shower, hold my head down and use a hand held shower head to rinse it out. Hopefully, the thick layer of vaseline will prevent the relaxer from touching the rest. Then 4 or 5 weeks later I do it again only in reverse with the rest of my head: I coat the crown with vaseling and bantu knot it, relax the remaining hair, get in the shower, but stand with my head back and rinse out the conditioner. It's still a work in progress. I think I am going to realxe my entire head next week (11 weeks) and then figure this out for my next touchup. thanks
Since you're 10 weeks post, why not just relax your whole head? Or, just wait another week or two. Nonetheless, there's no reason to not relax your whole head now.

I personally wouldn't recommend that you do what you're proposing at all. Way too much risk for overlap. Not everyone can do marathon stretching. As long as you wait at least 6-8 weeks(I'd lean to more towards at least 8 weeks)between relaxers, your hair will be fine. Trying to relax sections at certain times just makes the task of relaxing more trouble than what it's worth especially since there is a greater risk for overlap imo.