relaxers with protein


Hi Ladies! I noticed that some relaxers (e.g. Motions and Revlon Realistic) contain collagen protein. Did anyone of you notice less breakage using such a product as opposed to a non-protein-relaxer?
TIA and bless yall!
I use to use Motions and although my hair was straight it was not in the best shape. Along with a B Complex Vitamin and changing my relaxer to Hawaiian Silky I have seen a big difference.

But to answer your question the Hawaiian Silky relaxer I use has Kertin and Silk protein in it. However I would note that the Sodium Hydroxcide (Lye) is the 11th ingrediant in Hawaiian Silky where in Motions Lye is number 3-4 on their list. Both have protiens in them, however the Hawaiian Silky's proteins are near the end of the list.

So perhaps that is the difference seeing the closer to the top of the list an ingrediant is the more the product has of it. With less Lye and a good protein my hair has benefited from it.
thank you Donda! In fact the ingredients are normally listed per quantity.
So would you say that a milder product w/ less Sodium Hydroxide would straighten enough? Because the Motions mild only texturized my hair...

Any other input?
I've used Motions in the past--the regular formula, and my hair ended up underprocessed.

My last touch up on March 24, I tried Revlon Realistic. I never knew it was protein-based. I didn't experience any breakage. Just always keep in mind, we all have different hair types so what may work for one, may not work for the next person.

(I've had to learn that the hard way a number of times!
