Relaxers will not take in sisters hair


New Member
She had this problem before, when she was 12. We went from mild no-lye relaxers (started relaxing when she was 10) to super relaxers with lye. Her hair began relaxing stick straight again, within about 15 min (including application time) when she was 13. Now she is almost 18 and her hair has refused to relax again. She had a super relaxer in her for an hour and it looks the same. Her hair has grown about 4 or 5 inches in the last 2 months which is unusual. She has gown from a short bob to somewhere between SL and APL since September. Any ideas?
Perhaps it has to do with the technique or the person applying it? I remember when my mother first tried to relax my hair it was a HOT mess!! LOL it turned out extra kinky and knotted up. She took me to a salonist who fixed me up and taught my mother how to properly apply a relaxer.
Perhaps it has to do with the technique or the person applying it? I remember when my mother first tried to relax my hair it was a HOT mess!! LOL it turned out extra kinky and knotted up. She took me to a salonist who fixed me up and taught my mother how to properly apply a relaxer.

Myself and Mother relax her hair. We have been doing her hair since she was 13.
Then I'd bandwagon on the idea that it might have to with with her hair porosity.

Just curious, which relaxers did you guys try?

We used Optimum and Dark & Lovely. We have been using regular or mild of either of those 2 relaxers for the last 2 years in all 3 of our hair. But it only straightened hers. But that time period when she was 12 we went to every salon in the area and tried the strongest relaxer they had. We tried 12 relaxers during that time period. Then she went natural for 6 months (the BC devastated her). We relaxed her hair when it was long enough at home and it straightened almost instantly.
She had a super relaxer in her for an hour and it looks the same.


Even if her hair didn't take the relaxer (which is debatable), having a relaxer on her scalp for an hour CANNOT be a good thing.

I am glad you have found this forum. I would strongly recommend you do a search of previous threads to read about porosity and clarifying.
Please please please don't let her leave her relaxer on for an hour. Regardless of whether the relaxer takes or not, that will not be good for her scalp and hair! :nono:
Has she ever clarified her hair?
What products does she use on a daily basis?
Does she have color in her hair, or has she ever tried to color?
wow an hour is a long time for a super
did you smooth?
did she have buildup on her hair?

There wasn't any product build up (she washes every 2-3 days). She only uses olive oil in her hair. I usually never leave her relaxer in for more than 20 min... but we spent a long time smoothing and coming the relaxer through to straighten it... the time just got away from me. I exaggerated when I said an hour it was more like 40-45 min.
Has she ever clarified her hair?
What products does she use on a daily basis?
Does she have color in her hair, or has she ever tried to color?

She clarified 3 days before without conditioner and only used a small amount of olive oil on her hair after she washed. She has never had dye in her hair. On a daily basis she uses just for me detangling spray and olive oil. She washes her hair every day and never uses conditioner (because lately her scalp has been really greasy). Her hair is not dry though and although it is thin it is very strong (she has very little breakage).
Maybe it is time to take her to a professional? Like a person at a reputable salon, and not sally around the way.

I tried to tell her that but she is terrified of the salon. Ever since a proffesional stylist complemented her on her hair texture and length which was mid-back then proceeded to chop it all of. The hairstylist cut a few short pieces to only 2 inches long. The next stylist we went to had to chop all her hair off and she had to grow her hair all over again. At thirteen years old she was she was really upset. People really teased her (even complete strangers).
I tried to tell her that but she is terrified of the salon. Ever since a proffesional stylist complemented her on her hair texture and length which was mid-back then proceeded to chop it all of. The hairstylist cut a few short pieces to only 2 inches long. The next stylist we went to had to chop all her hair off and she had to grow her hair all over again. At thirteen years old she was she was really upset. People really teased her (even complete strangers).

Maybe she would go to a stylist if you went with her as her back-up. The you could watch the stylist while she did her hair and make sure she doesn't cut it all off.
Umm, if you're leaving a super strength relaxer in her hair for a long time and it still came out looking the same then I am venturing to guess it is the technique of the person applying the relaxer. I could never get my hair straight when doing my own touch ups but my friend always got my hair to come out like I wanted when she touched it up for me.