Relaxers: safe to use a different brand of neutralizing shampoo?


New Member
I really underprocessed my 7-month new growth at my last relaxer, so my hair is almost half texlaxed. :perplexed I was afraid that the salon would leave it on too long, so I used a lot of oil before hand and had them wash it out too early.

It's been about six weeks and I want to do a corrective with my Mizani butter blends. I bought it from a member here (thanks!) because they don't sell it anywhere near where I live. I was wondering if it was okay to use a different neutralizing shampoo and conditioner than the Mizani brand because it would take anywhere between 3-6 weeks for me to order online and have the product shipped here, and I don't want to do the corrective too late.
I use ORS relaxer, but I always use Elasta QP's neutralizing shampoo with color indicator. I've used it for the past 3 years with no problems.