Relaxers: Mild v. Regular


New Member
I have an appointment for a retouch tomorrow. For the last few years I have been using Affirm mild,
but I always seem to have difficulty getting it straight after shampooing post relaxer.
I was thinking that using a stronger formula (Affirm Regular) this time around would help.
Would using a stronger formula damage the hair?
No, I don't think that using a stronger strength of relaxer will damage your hair. Mild relaxers are used for people that have soft or easily straightened hair and/or for people who have permanent hair color in their hair. If you have coarse/resistant hair, then the best thing probably would be for you to use a regular strength relaxer.

Affirm is known to be an excellent relaxer for people with coarse hair, which I have used Affirm (regular) in the past and have had good results.
You would probably be fine since you are sticking with the same brand...however what strength relaxer you use really depends on your hair...I have very thick coarse 4b hair and I use a mild which works just fine for me. maybe you should look at the shampoo/conditioner you are using post touch up. Or perhaps it is the way you are styling your hair.