Relaxers making your scalp bleed???


New Member
So saturday I got a touch up after maybe 2 and a half months. That's a little shorter than I normally go between touchups, but whatever. The lady who does my hair, who has been doing it since I was 6 btw, only leaves the relaxer on for as long as it takes to put it on, which is about 10-15 mins. It comes out looking the bomb, but it seems every time I get a perm, I have little spots in my hair where the hair is plastered to the scalp by something, and its hard to get that something out and it hurts to comb my hair.

So tell me why, when I was picking at my head, my boyfriend looks at my scalp and tells me thats dried up BLOOD in my hair?? :eek: WTF could this be? Chemical burns? Does this happen to anybody else?
i know that when i used to get my hair done, i would have these scab type sores that would bleed from the relaxer. my guess? maybe the relaxer touches your scalp which it never should and, if it is, it could be DAMAGING your scalp...thats why im transitioning. I could take those funny little patches that made my scalp itch and made me bleed....

my stylist use to leave it on till it burned or until she felt ready to take it could just have sensitive scalpal skin and thats why youre bleeding. the relaxer is penetrating the skin..

i hope this helps!!
I used to get horrible scabs on my scalp that would bleed after each perm. It wasn't until I came to this forum and learned about not putting chemicals to close to the scalp, then the healing process began. I later transitioned and bc'd.

I would recommend adding Vaseline or grease to your scalp just before your touch-up that way it will lubricate the scalp and the perm won't touch it.
which is funny because i thought, as a general rule, they were supposed to grease your scalp for you but i guess thats not mandatory thing lol..:eek:
I agree with the above...either she's not basing your scalp or you're more sensitive in certain areas of your scalp.

She should put a super thick basecoat of vaseline or some petroleum and mineral oil based product (see, I knew that stuff came in handy) all over (edges and inside) before she retouches. Some people think the relaxer doesn't get the roots as straight that way, but I think it's about application. Even after basing, very infrequently, I'd get mild chemical burns (not severe enough to scab over--that mostly happened when I used lye relaxers or my scalp was damaged). Good luck next time--it appears you have been getting chemical burns each time you retouch.

((very small voice)) or, you can stop relaxing ((/end small voice))
It sounds like you got a chemical burn from the relaxer. The hair sticking to the scalp, scabs and sensitive scalp is a result of chemical burns. Please do NOT pick the scabs because this prevents your scalp from healing. Get some aloe vera gel and maybe add a little tea tree oil to it and apply it to the areas that have the chemical burns. I hope you will have some relief soon.:kissing4:
yeaaa all the girls are right..its chemical burns..i agree with someone who said it above, do it before you go to the salon that way the burns get minimized or eliminated entirely..

hahaha could stop relaxing hahaha.. (i agree!!! :p)

Thanks for the replies ya'll!

She always bases my scalp with some kind of vaseliney stuff because she say my scalp is very sensitive. Some help that is! I swear I get chemical burns every single time.

I've been wanting to go natural for the longest but the moms is not so supportive of that, and she is the one who pays the bills round hurr :ohwell:
Well maybe the relaxer she using is too strong for your scalp because that is definitely a chemical burn which usually happens when its left in too long. When its hard to comb in certain spots thats because you have scabs in your head which makes the hair stick together. Maybe you should try asking her to use a different relaxer or a sensitive version of the one she using already.
I would either base my scalp myself, or find someone else to apply my relaxer. I've only had chemical burns 2 or 3 times over 10-12 years of getting relaxers because I *quickly* let them know that the burns were unacceptable and something had gone terribly awry. Like Meia said, that is damaging to the scalp so be careful...

Good luck!
Legz most of us have been there with the chemical burns. It really sucks bc we all want to look beautiful but shouldn't have to get burned in the process! I stopped using relaxers for years and just dealt with my hair until I found out about the Bodiphier Ladies I'm telling you, no longer do you have to put up with harsh burning and irritation to have that relaxed head of hair. I rave about thi stuff all the time because I belive they could do away with traditional relaxers because of this product. I know and respect that not everything works for everyone, but sometimes with information we can try something different.
Best of luck.