Relaxers in a Tub?

Relaxers in a jar are okay to use - I kind of wary of this one, I have not seen a relaxer before can be used for all hair textures....normally relaxers are specific to to hair type
The relaxer in the tub is Lye so thats the major difference from the box relaxers.Your able to just store them at room temp until your ready to reuse. You neutralize tub and box relaxers the same.
yes tub relaxers are lye relaxers and box relaxers are mostly no lye relaxers. a great one (that is at sally's too) is silk elements. It has its own neutralizing shampoo and I like the mild version.
1.99 for a relaxer? I might have to make the move over to the tub. I pay 10 for one box relaxer and then I have to throw away the unused parts. I remember when I started using relaxers I didn't know there was a difference in lye and no lye and one day I just picked up a Motions tub and started using it (Is that a lye or no lye, I have to look and see). I didn't have any bad reactions.
I've always been curious about the tub relaxers. So, you just use it straight out the jar? No need to mix it like the box kind I suppose...I may check one out for my next touch up. :look: