Relaxers=Hair Thinning Balding


Well-Known Member
I have a friend who is going through some hard times. Her hair is thinning badly. Her hair itself is in good condition. But she had me look at her scalp and I think that her hair is really thinning out. She could never put her hair in a up ponytail because the sides behind her ears are so thin you see the scalp. I have suggested that she stretch her relaxers but I think she may need to stop relaxing all together. You know what maybe I should tell her to try Nioxin. any other suggestions.
Why do you think it is the relaxers thinning her hair out? I think it would be helpful it you told us a little more, like how she styles her hair everyday and how often she relaxes. Also, if she uses a relaxer that is too strong for her hair that may cause thinning.
I agree with the idea to stop relaxing. She might also consider visiting a dermatologist, in case the cause of the thinning/balding is serious.
She usually just pulls her back into a long phony pony or curly pony. I don't think it is the pony tail because it is usually loose. I think she may relax about every 6 weeks. She has been using Motions to relax for years. She uses regular strengh and her hair does not get bone straight. I know she takes a multi and iron but I really doubt if she takes them every single day but she is into good health. Why I think it is the relaxer? I was just guessing.

I will mention the Surge to her. She has a crappy job with no insurance so I do not think she really has the cash to see a dermatalogist.
I think she needs to see a dermatologist too. It sounds like she isn't doing anything too damaging to her hair as far as styling goes. Also, is she noticing that her hair is coming out or it is something that she did not realize was happening. I mean, is she seeing a lot of hairs coming out of her head? It could very well be chemical damage from teh relaxer and until she finds out what it is she should lay of relaxing for a while. HOWEVER, if her hair is fragile she will have to be careful with the different textures or else her hair will come out more; unless she is going to cut it all off and start over.

I have never used surge, but i know many ladies have said they had great results. So that sounds like a plan.
It could even be hormonal. I feel she should definitely see a dermatologist or some specialist to pinpoint what the problem is.
She may indeed want to lay off the relaxers. I think that some people may just not have hair (or a scalp) that can take relaxers, no matter how much they pamper their hair in between.
I agree, jd. My hair began to thin with relaxers and I had constant dandruff. My scalp peeled like a ripe banana.

Too bad she can't afford to go to a dermatologist. It sounds like she could use their expertise.
Good advice so far.

Relaxers and rollersets over the last 1.6 years have thinned my temple hair. I wish I could use a chemical without heat or just heat without a chemical. I'll do more searches for Phytorelaxer when the search feature is working again.
Yep I would tell her to lay off heat AND chemicals, that includes hair dyes I don't know if she uses them or not. She could go to the doctor instead of the derm. to see what they could do.
About two years ago I was using Motions relaxer regular and I started to notice that my hair was thinning in two spots (the top of my head on the right side and the temples). I had never had this problem before I started to use motions, it took about 1 year for me to notice it. I had no shedding or breakage. I went to the dermatologist and she told me my scalp was fine and that it might be the relaxer. I stop using motions but I still struggle with the two spot that became really thin, they are just starting to get thick again. The samething happen to my SIL when she was using Motions.
I think she is going to go to the doctor. I gave her my Nioxin since I want to try the Nioxin Smoothing Line. I really hopes this helps her.
I'm beginning to think this is a true fact. My ends are beginning to thin. I'm noticing a lot of new growth but my ends are soo thin. Also after I relax my hair looks thin. I've recently begin to notice alot of shedding and breakage. It could be too because I'm 12 weeks post relaxer, and did I've been apply heat daily just so that my new growth is straighten.
This is a great topic because my mom is having thinning problems. She does a combination of coloring and relaxing, and she doesn't always cover her hair at night (when she does this she uses a curling iron at least once a week). However, usually she rollersets her hair, but sometimes she wears her hair in ponytails with tight elastics and she doesn't really apply any moisture to her hair. Yesterday she had a bad relaxer experience where her TERRIBLE stylist burned her hairline and I think took some of her hair out. I have noticed that her temples are in very very bad shape...there is no hair there! She said she is willing to try some of my products and stuff, but I'm thinking that she needs to use stuff specifically for her hair troubles. What is this Nioxin product? Also, do you all know of any other products good for thinning or thin hair? What about the Nexxus products like Diametress or the Vitatress? I am open to any and all suggestions, price is not an option and I would like to get her a couple things in time for the holidays. Thanks!
She probably should lay off the relaxers for a little while and see if that's the cause. But, it may not necessarily be the relaxer that's making her hair thin. It could just be hereditary thinning.
I would recommend Nioxin

OT: Your hair is very pretty, I cannot see your hair before or SO hair album though, the pw stars doesn't work for those.

Cincysweetie said:
This is a great topic because my mom is having thinning problems. She does a combination of coloring and relaxing, and she doesn't always cover her hair at night (when she does this she uses a curling iron at least once a week). However, usually she rollersets her hair, but sometimes she wears her hair in ponytails with tight elastics and she doesn't really apply any moisture to her hair. Yesterday she had a bad relaxer experience where her TERRIBLE stylist burned her hairline and I think took some of her hair out. I have noticed that her temples are in very very bad shape...there is no hair there! She said she is willing to try some of my products and stuff, but I'm thinking that she needs to use stuff specifically for her hair troubles. What is this Nioxin product? Also, do you all know of any other products good for thinning or thin hair? What about the Nexxus products like Diametress or the Vitatress? I am open to any and all suggestions, price is not an option and I would like to get her a couple things in time for the holidays. Thanks!