Relaxers aren't supposed to burn??? WORD!!!


Well-Known Member
Okay ya'll. I just have a revelation or something! I just got a corrective done to my hair. The last relaxer I had didn't take, but it could have been because it burned my hair so badly that I had it off in about 2 minutes. So, I decided to base my own scalp with castor oil before hand. When I got in the chair, I told the stylist what I had done and she was like, "Oh, don't worry about it. My relaxers don't burn any way." I was thinking, "Yeah, suuuuuure. Tell me more."

But anyways, she relaxed my hair for the corrective/reconstructor. I had it on for about 15 mins and I experienced almost NO burning. When I did tell her I was beginning to feel a little tingling around the edges, she washed it off, neutralized it twice, and then put on some cold witch hazel around the edges where I felt a little tingle. It felt sooo good.

I asked her what she did to stop it from burning because I didn't see what she used to base it, but it was NOT a solid base. It was some kind of liquid. But all she said was that it must have to do with the way she applies relaxer because when she started out doing them her clients hair used to burn badly, now none of her clients burn. I was like :shocked:!

I really want to get to the bottom of her secret. But she's the only person whose going to be doing my relaxers from this point on because her skills are phenomenal and she knows how to care for hair. I was asking her so many questions, I was embarrassed. Guys, if you're experiencing relaxer burns, RUN don't walk from your hairdresser. I heard that any burns means that a relaxer has come in contact with a layer of your scalp that could lead to follicle damage and hair loss.
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