Relaxers and touch up tips for a 4a/4b sistah


New Member
Does anyone have any suggestions for the best relaxer for my 4a/4b hair? I got my initial relaxer done while on vacation in the Philippines cause I live in the Japanese countryside. I am due for a touch up soon so I would like to have my family send me the relaxer or I'll order it on the internet.

I'll also have to do my own touch up so if anyone has any suggestions or tips on what or what not to do when touching up, please hook a sistah up!

Finally, I just want to say that I LOVE this forum!!! You ladies inspire me to achieve hair goals I never thought possible.
Since this is your 1 touch up let me say a few things I wish I knew when I started:

Wait at least 10 weeks (try for 12 if you can) b4 you perform the TU.
Make sure you moisturize your hair daily and seal with a good oil.
Do not I repeat Do not relax your ends!

I'm sure with you being on this thread you already know this stuff but it is worth repeating.

If you have done this then you are ready for the next steps!

Since my new growth is very unsurpassable by about week 7 I find that once I decide to do my touch up at about week 10 or 11 I either have to deal with someone ripping the comb through my new growth while relaxing or I can straighten my new growth a few days before relaxing. That way, its less time and effort spent on parting each section (which is A LOT of effort at 11 weeks) and more time with concentrating on properly distributing the relaxer evenly on each section. Make sure you cover you previously relaxed hair with some type of conditioner or oil, so to protect them from any potential over processing. Well, that’s just my 2 cents, hope all goes well.;)
mona rae,

There are no problems using the resconstructor before the neutralizer? I guess I would be concerned that not all the relaxer would be neutralized and cleared out...
Thanks everyone for your TU tips! Also if anyone has any suggestions as to what brand of relaxer is best for 4a/b hair, I would love to hear.
