Relaxer Woes: Annoyed at My Stylist

Menina Preta

Well-Known Member
So yesterday I got a touch-up at my hair dresser (Dominican) who has been doing my hair for the past 7 years or so. Before I thought they used Revlon Regular Strength on my hair, but yesterday while she was rinsing my hair I saw a purple tub that said Optimum on it. So I asked if that's what she used, and she says yes, then I ask what strength, and she says "Mami, super..."

Um, I've never knowingly used 'super strength' before and I'm pretty annoyed that they didn't feel the need to inform me of the change. Moreover, when I asked why, she gave me some explanation about how before she 'knew' my hair, she used regular, but now she uses 'super' b/c of how thick my hair is. (Surprisingly, she and her asst. took the time to say in Spanish that it's not 'bad hair,' just very kinky (well, they used the word curly in Spanish)). I'm not sure if she used the super strength during my last touch-up in late April (I just started the hair thing again, so before I wasn't asking that many questions), but I'm concerned now.

I want to use the lowest level possible to relax my hair and I feel like 'super' is just going above and beyond. For my next touch-up, I'm thinking of using the Mizani Butter Blend or Affirm Regular. How do these two compare to the BSS brand relaxers? Are they considered to be stronger than or comparable to an Optimum or Revlon or other BSS relaxers?

My hair looks and feels the same as it does previous times I relax, I think. How could I tell if it was overprocessed?

Here's a pic of my NG from the last 3 months.


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Even though I use super strength relaxer... that would put a stylist in beat down territory in my book.:buttkick:

As long as you don't experience breakage or extreme dryness or anything else, then you're ok.

Just using super strength isn't bad in itself... it just processes your hair faster. Now if you leave it on too long, then it's bad.

I have a feeling that your hair is just fine :yep:
Thanks, I hope so :(. I'm just real paranoid...I didn't experience any 'burning' per se, just a light tingle here or there right before she rinsed out. I'll see if I start shedding excessively next time I wash, which unfortunately, may not be for a while b/c I'll be out of the country for like 12 days and I'm not trying to cart all my hair stuff, lol.
You really have to call the manufacturers to find out the pH. Sometimes mild, regular, super, normal, coarse, or whatever label is given doesn't mean anything. The higher pH, the "stronger" the relaxer is. The strength you need depends on how much umph it takes to get your hair from its current pH to a pH where straightening process can work, not the perceived curliness/nappiness etc. You are probably right, that you don't need a super anything.
Thats so sad. It is always when I completely trust my stylist and stop asking questions, when they start :censored: my hair up. I'm sorry this happened to you. If you decide to go to her again, you got to make sure in "English" what they plan on doing to you.
Thats so sad. It is always when I completely trust my stylist and stop asking questions, when they start :censored: my hair up. I'm sorry this happened to you. If you decide to go to her again, you got to make sure in "English" what they plan on doing to you.

ITA... And bring your own relaxer! So you'll avoid them switching up on you like that again.
Thanks everyone for your advice! I do think I will be bringing my own relaxer from now on. I'll research them(including calling the companies) and stop being lazy. Right now, I'm thinking of trying the Mizani Butter Blends, b/c it seems like it has been getting great reviews.
^^^^ Co-sign. If they don't respect you to speak of your hair in what they can assume is your native language, I personally, would not give them my business.
^^^^ Co-sign. If they don't respect you to speak of your hair in what they can assume is your native language, I personally, would not give them my business.

The thing is she knows that I can understand Spanish to an extent (took it for 7 years and I work with a mostly Spanish-speaking population) and she can't really speak English too well (she can understand a lot, she's taking classes), so it's just easier for us to use Spanish. I don't mind the Spanish and I don't think it hinders me from getting my point across.

When she was talking about my hair, she said it to me, so I didn't mind.
You had a lot of new growth for 3 months! :yep:

I am thinking that one app. w/ Super shouldn't be too much of a problem if at all. I think your idea about taking your own relaxer from now on is spot on. :up: