Relaxer updates!

Your hair is beautiful, are you still using protective styles?
How do you like Profective relaxer in comparison to what you normally use?

CICI24....Thank you for sharing your progress. WOW :eek: you really give us 4 a/b girls hope......I love your hair....Your grow girl..
Wow...Wow and more Wow.

I wish I could hibernate until April 2006 so I could wakeup and have hair that long.

Reminder to self - Stalk..err View Babygurls album.
CICI24 said:
Your hair is beautiful, are you still using protective styles?
How do you like Profective relaxer in comparison to what you normally use?


Thanks girlie, and yes I still wear buns 99% of the time! I actually LOVE profectiv more than any other no-lye relaxer Ive used before. It works better for me and my hair is more shiny, I also LOVE the foaming neutralizing shampoo!
natalied said:
Very encouraging indeed! Can you share your "hairstory"? Is this the longest your hair ever been?

Well I like a lot of people had long hair as a child, I would say my hair was about the same length it is now. then I decided I wanted to a relaxer in my hair to be like my mom and it was all downhill from there. I also started to take care of it myself and it started breaking. I found a great beautician that worked where my mom cut hair so I was getting my hair pampered once a week, mind you it grew and was healthy BUT she gave me a "trim" all the time so it stayed shoulder length for years. I went to college and left my beautician behind, had no money in school to get it done so it just looked horrible (this is also when I started doing ym own relaxers). I graduated college and vowed to take better care of my hair. The beginning shot is in my album, found Cathy Howse and LHCF and I havent looked back!
Your album was one of the first hair albums I had seen (found it through another black hair care board) when I started to search the net for black hair care info. Your progress was an inspiration and a lot of the products I tried early on in my hair journey was due to your products album. I had no clue what products help so you unknowingly helped me find a starting part.

I'm sure there are others like me! I hope you know how much of an inspiration you are to those who are just starting out! THANK YOU!!:)

Babygurl said:
Well I like a lot of people had long hair as a child, I would say my hair was about the same length it is now. then I decided I wanted to a relaxer in my hair to be like my mom and it was all downhill from there. I also started to take care of it myself and it started breaking. I found a great beautician that worked where my mom cut hair so I was getting my hair pampered once a week, mind you it grew and was healthy BUT she gave me a "trim" all the time so it stayed shoulder length for years. I went to college and left my beautician behind, had no money in school to get it done so it just looked horrible (this is also when I started doing ym own relaxers). I graduated college and vowed to take better care of my hair. The beginning shot is in my album, found Cathy Howse and LHCF and I havent looked back!
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My Hair Twin!

How we just finished communicating and you didn't even mention you had new pics?!?!

LOOKING GOOD MY ARIES SISTA!!! You know my personal quest is to get where you are.

*Side product note...I think I'm gonna stick with the Suave Milk & Honey...I tried the Tropical Coconut...but it was aiiiight....more fragrance than coconut. I haven't ventured to the Capilo Milk & Honey yet - is there any major difference between the Suave and the Capilo?*

Wow, outstanding! :yep:

Thanks for posting your update, it's really inspiring! Awesome progress!!
Thanks once again to all of you ladies for your kind words, Im honored that I could be an inspriation for anyone. I know that all of us will continue to achieve our hair goals. This is the reason I post pictures to help those who may want to give up, but DONT EVER GIVE UP!!!
MonaLisa said:
My Hair Twin!

How we just finished communicating and you didn't even mention you had new pics?!?!

LOOKING GOOD MY ARIES SISTA!!! You know my personal quest is to get where you are.

*Side product note...I think I'm gonna stick with the Suave Milk & Honey...I tried the Tropical Coconut...but it was aiiiight....more fragrance than coconut. I haven't ventured to the Capilo Milk & Honey yet - is there any major difference between the Suave and the Capilo?*


Girl I didnt get around to it, I didnt post many anyway, it was a small update and I was so wrapped up in asking you about yours. LOL

Capilo Milk and Honey is more like a cholesterol, I use it to deep condition, very moisturizing! The Capilo Milk and Honey RINSE would be equivalent to the Suave I think, but I do prefer the Capilo.
Well you already know that i love your hair :love: It's long and lovely. I enjoy looking at your album all the time :weird: Babygurl, congratulations on such growth!
anky said:
Well you already know that i love your hair :love: It's long and lovely. I enjoy looking at your album all the time :weird: Babygurl, congratulations on such growth!

Now Anky you know that I admire your hair, the thickness the length, dont even get me started!