Relaxer Touchup = Nightmares


Active Member
Does anyone have nightmares or bad dreams about something negative happening to their hair around relax time? I’m due to relax next week and the nightmares have started.:wallbash:

Last night I dreamed that after I relaxed and blow-dried my hair, I found that a section of my BSL hair had broken off to almost shoulder length. It was very disturbing. Nothing negative has happened thus far, but I’m so afraid something is going to happen that will prevent me from reaching my goal of MBL by the end of the year.

I know I’m getting myself all worked up, and probably for nothing, but am curious if anyone else experiences anxiety before a relaxer.:ohwell:
sometimes. my relaxers are far and few between, so when i get a relaxer im always terrified that someone will leave it in too long and as a result leave me with a patch. That hasn't happened though and i am VERY grateful