Relaxer Touch-ups? Please Explain

Junebug D

Well-Known Member
I guess this is a question about stretching. After you stretch for a long amount of time (3 mos +) , and then you relax again... do you relax the whole length of your hair again, or do you just get a touch-up on the new growth? Can someone please explain this? Thanks.
new growth only. the reason people like to stretch so much is because there is a lot less overlapping of the chemical on the hair when you relax so much at one time. If you keep re-relaxing your hair strands, they will get weaker until they break and they won't be healthy.

Some people even put vaseline, condish or EVOO on already relaxed hair to preven the relaxer runoff from re-relaxing the hair in any way.
Only the new growth. The rest of the hair is already relaxed so there's no need to do it again. It would be overprocessed.
you always want to prevcent overprocessing and would only apply the relaxer to the new growth. Stretching helps to prevent overprocessing which in turn leads to healthier stronger hair.