Relaxer time....what should i know before hand?


New Member
I'm getting a relaxer tomorrow after being 12 weeks post. My hair has been in a sew-in weave for almost the entire time. I washed and deep conditioned my hair with Aphogee 2 min w/ heat every week and moisturized every night or every other night. I've noticed so progress and a lots of new growth.

Ladies is there anything I should do before I get my relaxer tomorrow? I hate the idea of ruining all my hard work by not preparing properly for this relaxer.
I was thinking of moisturizing my hair with oil and leaving a cap on..almost like giving myself a hot oil treatment overnight. Good idea? ...did i miss anything?
You should be sure to only put the oil on your previously relaxed ends unless you want to be texlaxed! Most people do a heavier protein treatment a few days before a relaxer, but since you're getting your relaxer tomorrow it's a little late for that. It's always good to base your scalp with oil or grease beforehand too, even if you don't have a sensitive scalp.
Thanks Prose Princess. You're right I should have done a hardcore protein treatment a week before. I'll remember that next time. i plan to do one a week after. This is my first time doing a hard core treatment..I usually do the Aphogee 2 min reconstructor every week followed by Kera care humecto cond..eventhough the 2 min is a light proteint treat is dries my hair out so I do the moist cond right after. I am a little nervous to do a hardcore treatment...we'll see how it goes
ITA with Prose Princess...I would definitely base the scalp before-hand, and if you are concerned about over-processing, protect the previously relaxed hair too. Otherwise, you're probably as ready as you can be. Good luck!
Thanks Prose Princess. You're right I should have done a hardcore protein treatment a week before. I'll remember that next time. i plan to do one a week after. This is my first time doing a hard core treatment..I usually do the Aphogee 2 min reconstructor every week followed by Kera care humecto cond..eventhough the 2 min is a light proteint treat is dries my hair out so I do the moist cond right after. I am a little nervous to do a hardcore treatment...we'll see how it goes

I know what you mean about the protein drying your hair out. If the 2-minute dries your hair out, you must really be protein sensitive! :yep: It's all good though, your hair is probably strong enough to handle your relaxer if you do light protein each week.

Also, if you're scared to do hard-core protein the week after your relaxer, you can try putting an egg in your deep conditioner instead, I hear that's just as good. HTH!
Thanks for the tips ladies. My relaxer was successful.:grin: The left side of my hair is thinner and slightly shorter than the right so that is my next project to work on. :perplexed