
Well-Known Member
Help, I am trying to stretch for only 8wks, I have 3.5 more to go, I don't have that much NG but it is enough to make me shade like crazy. What is a girl to do? I am deep conditioning every weekend and Moisturising every other day. What else should I do? Every time I run a comb through my hair I cringe, I can't take it. I need my relaxer NOW!!!!!!!!!!!:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:!!!!!
I feel you I am stretching for 10 and I can't relax till dec 20th! I am also preggers so I don't know what's going on but I do have hella new growth and I usually relax at 6 weeks. I mouisturize everyday and I am trying not to comb.
I feel you I am stretching for 10 and I can't relax till dec 20th! I am also preggers so I don't know what's going on but I do have hella new growth and I usually relax at 6 weeks. I mouisturize everyday and I am trying not to comb.
Thanks and congratulations. I can't relax until Dec 20 either. Maybe I should get my hair braided?
I'm 4months post so I understand what you're going through. It's hard especially b/c i work out everyday. Here are my tips

1) CO-WASH - I do this everyday/ every other day after I work out. This softens and moisturizes my NG.
2) STOP COMBING - I notice a lot of breakage when i comb. Always remember that there're 2 diff. textures on your hair right now. Your relaxed hair is a fragile rope hanging onto your thick, strong NG. Running a comb thru your hair will definitely provide the tension that will cause the relaxed part of your hair to snap. If you have to comb, moisturize your hair first to soften it, detangle with your fingers, then comb lightly.
3) PROTEIN - Try doing a light protein treatment every week. For me, this is pre-pooing with ORS Hair Mayonnaise or washing with a light protein shampoo & conditioner.
4) INCREASE YOUR MOISTURIZING - Try moisturizing everyday. I've noticed that when I stretch my hair gets dryer. I moisturize 2, sometimes, 3 times a day. I light using Lisa's Elixir from CD to moisturize my hair especially before i comb. This oil targets breakage and it works for me.
5) LOW/NO MANIPULATION - i found what works for me. Wash, leave-in, serum, airdry to 80%. Put more moisturizer, comb & then do 4 cornrows. When hair is dry put on my wig. This keeps my hands outta my hair. To moistrurize, I use S-Curl or my mix (JASON's thin-thick + WEN + Glycerin + Lisa's Elixir) <<< Each ingredient serves a different purpose.
6) INCREASE YOUR DCING - I've read over & over on this board that the moisture your DC provides your hair lasts about 3-4days. Keep that in mind. However, I DC everytime, or almost everytime, I co-wash.

It's been fun stretching. My hair's getting thicker & growing longer. I've had my ups & down but I have a member on this board I PM when things get crazy & she keeps me in check. Consider getting a buddy. I just pushed back my relaxer date to JANUARY :grin:. In a few weeks, I plan on putting on a weave to see me through. I wore a weave a few weeks ago & b/c I continued my Co-washing & DCing, my hair flourished.

I'm sure some ladies will come in & provide more helpful tips. There's also a Relaxer Stretch Support group. You should so a search for it.

i stretch 12 weeks at a time and, for me, the key is continuous moisture... co washing daily (except when i rollerset or get a blowout), and allowing my hair to airdry... also, when it's not in a rollerset, i detangle daily in the shower with a denman, when i'm rinsing out the conditioner...

I use to relax at 5 wks religiously. But now I relax at 8 wks. It really isn't that bad. I try to increase my moisture during the last 2 wks of my "stretch". I DC w/every wash, which is weekly, but I DC even harder in wks 5-8. I also have to flat iron my hair during those final weeks as well to tame the NG, a rollerset will not work for me...also protein is a no no for me in those final weeks, as it seems to dry my hair out.
I'm 4months post so I understand what you're going through. It's hard especially b/c i work out everyday. Here are my tips

1) CO-WASH - I do this everyday/ every other day after I work out. This softens and moisturizes my NG.
2) STOP COMBING - I notice a lot of breakage when i comb. Always remember that there're 2 diff. textures on your hair right now. Your relaxed hair is a fragile rope hanging onto your thick, strong NG. Running a comb thru your hair will definitely provide the tension that will cause the relaxed part of your hair to snap. If you have to comb, moisturize your hair first to soften it, detangle with your fingers, then comb lightly.
3) PROTEIN - Try doing a light protein treatment every week. For me, this is pre-pooing with ORS Hair Mayonnaise or washing with a light protein shampoo & conditioner.
4) INCREASE YOUR MOISTURIZING - Try moisturizing everyday. I've noticed that when I stretch my hair gets dryer. I moisturize 2, sometimes, 3 times a day. I light using Lisa's Elixir from CD to moisturize my hair especially before i comb. This oil targets breakage and it works for me.
5) LOW/NO MANIPULATION - i found what works for me. Wash, leave-in, serum, airdry to 80%. Put more moisturizer, comb & then do 4 cornrows. When hair is dry put on my wig. This keeps my hands outta my hair. To moistrurize, I use S-Curl or my mix (JASON's thin-thick + WEN + Glycerin + Lisa's Elixir) <<< Each ingredient serves a different purpose.
6) INCREASE YOUR DCING - I've read over & over on this board that the moisture your DC provides your hair lasts about 3-4days. Keep that in mind. However, I DC everytime, or almost everytime, I co-wash.

It's been fun stretching. My hair's getting thicker & growing longer. I've had my ups & down but I have a member on this board I PM when things get crazy & she keeps me in check. Consider getting a buddy. I just pushed back my relaxer date to JANUARY :grin:. In a few weeks, I plan on putting on a weave to see me through. I wore a weave a few weeks ago & b/c I continued my Co-washing & DCing, my hair flourished.

I'm sure some ladies will come in & provide more helpful tips. There's also a Relaxer Stretch Support group. You should so a search for it.

Thank you so much for the tips. Quick question, if I can't comb my hair, what should I do to keep it looking good when I am out? Also, I use a Hot air brush to dry my hair could this be contributing to my shedding?
Thank you everyone for all your tips. Really appreciate it. Anyone want to be buddies with me and team up?
Stop using the Hot hair brush. Rollerset your hair. Keep it moist. Im now at 24 weeks post relaxer and Im going to to go till December 26 weeks. I just took out my twists on the Nov.23rd. I gained a lot of inches. Im glad. I have about 3 inches of new growth there. Hang in there. Remember, moisture twice a day and seal, rollerset and KEEP YA HAND OUT YA HAIR....Best thig you can do for yourself.
Stop using the Hot hair brush. Rollerset your hair. Keep it moist. Im now at 24 weeks post relaxer and Im going to to go till December 26 weeks. I just took out my twists on the Nov.23rd. I gained a lot of inches. Im glad. I have about 3 inches of new growth there. Hang in there. Remember, moisture twice a day and seal, rollerset and KEEP YA HAND OUT YA HAIR....Best thig you can do for yourself.
Thank you so much...........Too bad I have to stay away from my hot air brush........I love that thing..........but I love my hair even, I better get rollersetting. Thank you
Hey... I am not exactly stretching I'm just trying to save the 60+ dollars for as long as possible :grin: I'm currently at 8 weeks and 1 day. I was going to self relax today, but I changed my mind. Anyway I just gave up on combing the new growth at all. I comb from the bottom of my hair up and just use my fingers to detangle the new growth IF I feel a tangle, if not I leave it alone. HOPE THIS HELPS! and GOOD LUCK!
Hey... I am not exactly stretching I'm just trying to save the 60+ dollars for as long as possible :grin: I'm currently at 8 weeks and 1 day. I was going to self relax today, but I changed my mind. Anyway I just gave up on combing the new growth at all. I comb from the bottom of my hair up and just use my fingers to detangle the new growth IF I feel a tangle, if not I leave it alone. HOPE THIS HELPS! and GOOD LUCK!
thanks thats helpful
Hey Mandy,

You can do protective styles like: Buns, weaves, braids, falls, ponytails, wigs, braid-outs.

Even if you just bun and/or use a pony tail, you can avoid combing. Just smoothen your hair every morning, if needed, with a baby brush, and tie your hair at night with a SILK scarf.

Rollersetting is also a good idea. But I stopped for now because rollersetting means having to comb when I want to wrap my hair.

You can still comb, if you want to, but minimally. Just moisturize first. For me, I just think it defeats my purpose of stretching to thicken my hair when my combing is causing parts of my hair to break off.
Hey Mandy,

You can do protective styles like: Buns, weaves, braids, falls, ponytails, wigs, braid-outs.

Even if you just bun and/or use a pony tail, you can avoid combing. Just smoothen your hair every morning, if needed, with a baby brush, and tie your hair at night with a SILK scarf.

Rollersetting is also a good idea. But I stopped for now because rollersetting means having to comb when I want to wrap my hair.

You can still comb, if you want to, but minimally. Just moisturize first. For me, I just think it defeats my purpose of stretching to thicken my hair when my combing is causing parts of my hair to break off.
Very helpful information, thank you. I have to learn how to bun, I think my hair is not long enough though, but it would be good to learn how to do it.
if you need to comb what helped me was using EVOO or any type of oil and detangle w/ my fingers first. I rarely used a comb and when I did my hair was wet, moisturized and I took my time. Im a stretcher but now I only go 14-16wks. I rollerset occassionally, bun, clip and co-wash my hair constently because I work out everyday. Stay positive its hard to get used to at first but I couldnt imagine relaxing any sooner than 14wks