Relaxer Stretching CHALLENGE!


Whisper "bleep boop" to yourself when you're sad.
I know ya'll are probably sick of me and my 568 challenges :giggle: but I love being in challenges cause, well, they're a challenge! That and my hair always benefits :yep: :grin:

So the rules of this challenge are:

Rule #1-Add 4-6 weeks to your usual stretch time
Rule #2-Post how long you normally stretch and how long you'll be stretching for this challenge. Also post the date that you'll be getting your relaxer after the stretch
Rule #3-If you need any help with stretching, ask questions here or in the "Relaxer Stretchers Support Thread" or something like that :look:
Rule #4-Don't join if ya can't hang! If you drop out of the challenge, you will be banned from LHCF forever!!!! J/k! (or am I? :evillaugh: )
:nicethread:I love your challenges! You always check in to keep people on track.:whip::giggle:

When can we start? Because I wanted to start after my next touch-up in August.
I normally stretch for 12 weeks. This go round, I'll be stretching to 17 weeks, my longest stretch ever!! :eek:

Next relaxer will be October 24
:nicethread:I love your challenges! You always check in to keep people on track .:whip::giggle:

When can we start? Because I wanted to start after my next touch-up in August.

Gotta keep ya'll in check! No slackin in these here parts! :whip:

The challenge starts NOW! So however long it's been since your last relaxer, count that towards the stretch. There will be no waiting until your next relaxer to join! What kind of dog and pony show do you think this is???? :spank:

I say I stretch for 12 weeks, but my last 2 were 8 weeks, because they were both underprocessed.

If I don't relax until August 30th, then that'll be 12 weeks. Which was the plan, so that counts right?
I cant exactly join the challenge. I am 4 weeks post my relaxer and I was stretching for only 9 weeks and I know it doesnt seem long but Im going back to school(college)at the end of August and there aint noone up there that can do my hair!!!! WHat should I do Tiffers????:sad:
Gotta keep ya'll in check! No slackin in these here parts! :whip:

The challenge starts NOW! So however long it's been since your last relaxer, count that towards the stretch. There will be no waiting until your next relaxer to join! What kind of dog and pony show do you think this is???? :spank:


:lachen::lachen: Okay, okay. Sign me up.
I say I stretch for 12 weeks, but my last 2 were 8 weeks, because they were both underprocessed.

If I don't relax until August 30th, then that'll be 12 weeks. Which was the plan, so that counts right?

:yep: :yep: :yep:
I'm gonna break my challenge down to make it easier to follow.

Okay I'm in! Here's my Stretching Challenge stats:

-Current Status: 9 weeks post

-Last Stretch Time: 16 Weeks

-Original Stretch Goal: 18 Weeks

-New Relaxer Stretch Challenge Goal: 20 Weeks PLUS!
(Tiffers you pushin' it adding 4-6 weeks buddy!)

-Potential Relaxer Date: October 1, 2008

-Stretching Advice To Share: Co-wash and moisturize!

-Stretching Advice Needed: I'd like to know if and how any of you ladies are stretching using Baking Soda. I want to hear different stories.

I like this challenge! This will be 2nd one. I always thought i couldnt hang and would never sign up for anything.
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I cant exactly join the challenge. I am 4 weeks post my relaxer and I was stretching for only 9 weeks and I know it doesnt seem long but Im going back to school(college)at the end of August and there aint noone up there that can do my hair!!!! WHat should I do Tiffers????:sad:

Would you be comfortable doing your own hair? You can try practicing applying conditioner with a relaxer brush. If it would make you feel more comfortable, you could also get one of those 360 degree mirrors, so you can see everything :yep:
I'm gonna break my challenge down to make it easier to follow.

Okay I'm in! Here's my Stretching Challenge stats:

-Current Status: 9 weeks post

-Original Stretch Time: 18 Weeks

-New Relaxer Stretch Challenge Time: 20 Weeks PLUS!
(Tiffers you pushin' it adding 4-6 weeks buddy!)

-Potential Relaxer Date: October 1, 2008

-Stretching Advice To Share: Co-wash and moisturize!

-Stretching Advice Needed: I'd like to know if and how any of you ladies are stretching using Baking Soda. I want to hear different stories.

I like this challenge! This will be 2nd one. I always thought i couldnt hang and would never sign up for anything.

You're on a roll, joining TWO challenges!!! :yay:

Co washing and moisturizing is GOOD advice! Moisture is essential when stretching! :yep:

Girl, I'm nervous going 17 weeks. I've never gone past 13, but I know I can do it.... We can ALL do it! :woot:
Would you be comfortable doing your own hair? You can try practicing applying conditioner with a relaxer brush. If it would make you feel more comfortable, you could also get one of those 360 degree mirrors, so you can see everything :yep:

That's what I started doing after I moved and this quack messed me up:perplexed
I would join, but my last two stretches were 26 weeks and 24 weeks (with the help of a sew-in) and I doubt that I can stretch any longer than this.
I'm in.!!!!:grin::grin:

My last relaxed was march 29th. I have an appointment for 8/16/08. Let's call that 20 weeks. I keep my hair in buns and wash and go styles and wash and go buns....I have notice this week that my scalp itches really bad:wallbash::wallbash: and the gray is coming back:nono:... I plan to apply a rinse a week before my appointment. Other then that I'm hanging.:yep:
-Current Status: 13 weeks postrelaxer

-Last Stretch Time: 11 Weeks

-Original Stretch Goal: 16 Weeks

-New Relaxer Stretch Challenge Goal: 18 Weeks..I want to stretch to my 17th BDAY August 21st.

-Potential Relaxer Date: August 24th 2008

-Stretching Advice To Share: Washing in braids, Moisturize daily, Clean your hair adequately, Dc'ing at least once a week.

-Stretching Advice Needed: How much protein dc'ing are ya'll doing? I haven't done a protein dc for about a month now..:nono:
I am in this one! Here we go ladies! I feel like I have been stretching forever!!!

Current Status: 10-12 weeks post

Last Stretch Time: 6 Weeks

Original Stretch Goal: 12 Weeks

New Relaxer Stretch Challenge Goal: 19 Weeks

Potential Relaxer Date: Mid August maybe August 15

I need to know how to tame NG. My kitchen is wild....what do I do????:perplexed
I am in this one! Here we go ladies! I feel like I have been stretching forever!!!

Current Status: 10-12 weeks post

Last Stretch Time: 6 Weeks

Original Stretch Goal: 12 Weeks

New Relaxer Stretch Challenge Goal: 19 Weeks

Potential Relaxer Date: Mid August maybe August 15

I need to know how to tame NG. My kitchen is wild....what do I do????:perplexed

What helped me was co-washing frequently, and DCing frequently, and applying the DC like a relaxer.:yep:
-Current Status: 13 weeks postrelaxer

-Last Stretch Time: 11 Weeks

-Original Stretch Goal: 16 Weeks

-New Relaxer Stretch Challenge Goal: 18 Weeks..I want to stretch to my 17th BDAY August 21st.

-Potential Relaxer Date: August 24th 2008

-Stretching Advice To Share: Washing in braids, Moisturize daily, Clean your hair adequately, Dc'ing at least once a week.

-Stretching Advice Needed: How much protein dc'ing are ya'll doing? I haven't done a protein dc for about a month now..:nono:

I don't even remember the last time I used protein :ohwell: My hair doesn't take too well to it, so I rarely use protein
What helped me was co-washing frequently, and DCing frequently, and applying the DC like a relaxer.:yep:

ITA! It really helps to keep your hair moisturized while concentrating on the ng. After you apply the conditioner massage it in to your newgrowth for a few seconds to make sure that it's thoroughly saturated
this challenge is right on time for me. i've been wanting to stretch for the longest and now i just really want to see more of my texture so i'm in :)

i've NEVER stretched before:nervous2:. and on top of that i'm going to be using megatek whenever it gets here so i'm gonna be drowning in growth (hopefully).

my normal time between relaxers is 8 weeks.

i'm aiming for 12 weeks which puts me at relaxing on august 26 (if i'm counting correctly).
this challenge is right on time for me. i've been wanting to stretch for the longest and now i just really want to see more of my texture so i'm in :)

i've NEVER stretched before:nervous2:. and on top of that i'm going to be using megatek whenever it gets here so i'm gonna be drowning in growth (hopefully).

my normal time between relaxers is 8 weeks.

i'm aiming for 12 weeks which puts me at relaxing on august 26 (if i'm counting correctly).

Girl i'm on megatek too. Just started this week and if i'm getting as much growth as the other folks have been getting then i dont know if i can do this 20 week stretch.:nono:

Hell, if i can make it to 16 like last time then that's saying something.

That's why i dont feel bad trying new products trying to find staples to help me. It might get ugly really fast with MT.
I normally wait 8-9 weeks (I know that is bad but I got really short hair) but this time I am going 15 weeks so that will be Sept 6. Yall pray for me cause I am already feeling the new growth and the poofy hair.
Girl i'm on megatek too. Just started this week and if i'm getting as much growth as the other folks have been getting then i dont know if i can do this 20 week stretch.:nono:

Hell, if i can make it to 16 like last time then that's saying something.

That's why i dont feel bad trying new products trying to find staples to help me. It might get ugly really fast with MT.

well at least i'm not alone in this. i'm at 6.5 weeks now and it feels like 8 so i know i'm in trouble since my megatek is on the way. thats why i'm searching hi and lo for products to help me out, and i'm going to the BSS tomorrow and see what kinda damage i can do!

we can do this :)
I know ya'll are probably sick of me and my 568 challenges :giggle: but I love being in challenges cause, well, they're a challenge! That and my hair always benefits :yep: :grin:

So the rules of this challenge are:

Rule #1-Add 4-6 weeks to your usual stretch time

I normally go six weeks. My last relaxer was on June 21st.

Rule #2-Post how long you normally stretch and how long you'll be stretching for this challenge. Also post the date that you'll be getting your relaxer after the stretch

I am shooting for 13 weeks this time. I am trying to move to a four relaxers a year schedule with my last relaxer of the calendar year being approximately 2 weeks before Christmas. So, this time I am going for 13 weeks and next time I will do 12. After that I will switch back to 13 weeks. My next relaxer date should be September 20th.

Rule #3-If you need any help with stretching, ask questions here or in the "Relaxer Stretchers Support Thread" or something like that :look:

I am planning to do my turbie twist steam treatment once a week, continue to rollerset, and put as little stress on my hair as possible.

Rule #4-Don't join if ya can't hang! If you drop out of the challenge, you will be banned from LHCF forever!!!! J/k! (or am I? :evillaugh: )

One thing that could interfere with this challenge is that I am on the (academic) job market this year. I can't go on interviews with jacked up hair. So, if I have an interview and I am toward the end of my stretch period, I may have to relax my hair. And, if you get me kicked off LHCF, I am coming to your house and help my little friend pour your Bee Mine down the sink!:look:
I am on my way in about an hour to find a good deep conditioner for this stretch and DH put me on a hair care budget! How dare he! He says its time for an intervention. He had my twin 5 yr old boys complaining that they cant eat bannanas or avocados anymore cause mommy is putting it in her hair!:lachen:
I'm in, my last relaxer was May 23rd, exactly 8 weeks ago. My longest stretch time was 6 weeks, so we're shooting for August 8th - 12 weeks. I'm ready.:bouncegre
Hey ladies I'm down... my last stretch was 30+ weeks but that was an experiment... I'd lose :freakout: it if I did that again. I'm already 3 weeks post, and my norm is 12 weeks. I am shooting for 29 Oct as my next relax date.
I'm soo in:

-Current Status: 2 months

-Last Stretch Time: 6 months 2 weeks

-Original Stretch Goal: 6 months

-New Relaxer Stretch Challenge Goal: 8 months post

-Potential Relaxer Date: December 31, 2008

-Stretching Advice To Share: Leave the damn newgrowth alone

-Stretching Advice Needed: None really, i got it covered .. but i just need y'll to remind why im stretching every now and then