Relaxer Stretchers....How do you get your hair to lay so smooth?


New Member
I used to wear my hair pulled back into a bun all the time. I did this by brushing wet (I know better now). I have tried tying it down wet and once it is dry it ends up all frizzy. I have the waves but no shine and lots of frizz.

I have 3c/4a hair. I would like to make the bun my style of choice for the next few months but I don't want to look like I just woke up all the time! If you aren't brushing how do you ladies do it?!?!?

I use Nexxus Humectress as a leave in, seal with WGO. I've tried adding a little Fantasia IC gel and plain old aloe vera.

Please help!
The scarf method works best for me. Makes my NG lay down really flat. By the end of the day my edges are a little "fuzzy" but I'm not stressed about it.
Thank you Determined! I might just have to live with it. I see so many fotkis where they look so smooth and shiny! I want to look like that too. :perplexed
I like Nexxus Humec as a leave it, but I also add Fructis leave-in (lots) while wet then put on a scarf for awhile and it lays my hair down pretty good.
I think washing and rollersetting twice a week helped a lot. But the thing is, even thought my stretches are really long, my hair grows REALLY slowly so the little NG I do have lays down ok.
When I use to wash only once a week my hair would look really frizzy and unkept, but once I added the midweek wash it looked better
I have been wearing the HECK out of a bun for the better part of the summer and really since my last relaxer in February. I like to use NTM Silk Touch/Moisture (or whatever it is) because it is water based and it lays my hair down nicely. I follow it up by some WGO and Dabur Vatika Oil. (the vatika oil gives my hair a nice shine and the WGO is thick enough for my hair so that when I put my scarf on, it does the trick; rubbing the WGO oil on your hands and then on your hair takes the place of brushing)

Hope that helps!

Thanks Ladies for the tips!

BB I am going to try your method! I have been looking for an excuse to pick up the NTM and some Vatika oil. Now I have no choice but to get them! :shopping:
I used to wear my hair pulled back into a bun all the time. I did this by brushing wet (I know better now). I have tried tying it down wet and once it is dry it ends up all frizzy. I have the waves but no shine and lots of frizz.

I have 3c/4a hair. I would like to make the bun my style of choice for the next few months but I don't want to look like I just woke up all the time! If you aren't brushing how do you ladies do it?!?!?

I use Nexxus Humectress as a leave in, seal with WGO. I've tried adding a little Fantasia IC gel and plain old aloe vera.

Please help!
I use the scarf method to dry my hair (check out Sylver2's album for pics) in a rollerset and it keeps my newgrowth very, very smooth against my scalp. It's easy to increase the stretching time this way. :)
Thanks Ladies for the tips!

BB I am going to try your method! I have been looking for an excuse to pick up the NTM and some Vatika oil. Now I have no choice but to get them! :shopping:

In this Sunday's paper there was a coupon for Buy 2 NTM products and save $3...if you still have the paper around you should use it.
Ladies! Thank you so much for your help. I have solved this dilema thanks to you.

Last night I clarified, moisture poo'd, proteined, deep moisturized. After that I used NTM Silk Touch leave in, CD Hair Balm, and WGO to wet hair. Tied it down using Sylver2's method. This morning and up until this point I have a nice shiny smoothed down bun!

I ordered some Dabur Vatika oil and I'll be replacing the Hair Balm with it when it arrives.

Thanks ladies again!
Sylver2 scarf method, however I don't air dry my hair!! I wear a satin scarf while sitting under the hair dryer to smooth the sides and edges b/c it molds the hair down really well. I sit under the dryer until the sides and top are dry then I take the scarf off then sit back under the dryer to allow the rest to dry.. This method has really worked in stretching my touch-ups to 12wks:grin: