Relaxer--someone talk me out of it!!!!!


Well-Known Member
OK... I am stretching my relaxer. I was planning on a 26 week stretch. But I am loving my natural texture and have been inspired by Kim at KimmayTube who has the same texture as me and I said I was going to try to transition--I refuse to cut all my hair off again so this was going to be a 2 or 2.5 year transition (I like to do major stuff to my hair around Christmas for some reason).

Anyway, next Friday I will be 18 weeks post. Today, I put a relaxer in my mom's hair (she's going on a cruise next week). So, I have that half of a jar of motions mild sitting on the shelf calling my name. I had already done the overnight oil pre-poo so there was no way I could relax today. But that relaxer is just sitting there tempting me like a crack pipe.

HELP ME!!!!!
Just throw it out and put your hair in hibernation mode, put in a sew in or braids if you like those kinds of protective styles, really any style that you can't readily access.
ITA with all the previous comments! Throw it out! I did a no BC 2.5 yr transition and it was awesome! Just stick to it and if you can't deal with your hair....put it away in a fly PS!:yep:
Don't do it! Put it away. Get a sew in, some braids, SOmETHInG! Just put the relaxer down!

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Ya'll... it's a good thing my hair was sopping wet from the oil pre-poo (I do an overnight baggie with oils the day before I wash my hair) otherwise I'd be one day post right now. I dodged a bullet!!!

I did go to church this morning and this 15 year old kid who has some skills with a flat iron was sitting in front of me. Her hair usually looks great and I know she does it herself. She has a relaxer, but her classmate was with her today and I know the classmate's hair is natural. So, I am going to stick to may plan to do a long-term transition and flat-iron periodically. I joined the 48 workouts before the new year challenge on the fitness thread.. My reward for myself is a flat iron so I am trying to get those 48 workouts in before Christmas so I won't have to go out on Christmas day in a bun.
Throw away the relaxer. Look into gettng a sew in weave .ur at the hardest part of ur transition..turn to threads/pics from ediese,blackmasterpiece and nichi..go to Moptop maven's blog(gabanna girl) she has a wealth of info abt hair..HTH!
We can tell you not to, but it is up to you to make that decision. Do you truly want to be natural? Do you truly want to transition? I am struggling with the same issue so I put flat twists in my hair and covered it with my satin scarf. We will support you in your decision in the future, so please let us know what you do.
We can tell you not to, but it is up to you to make that decision. Do you truly want to be natural? Do you truly want to transition? I am struggling with the same issue so I put flat twists in my hair and covered it with my satin scarf. We will support you in your decision in the future, so please let us know what you do.

Honestly, I like to wear my hair straight. But my hair is thin so I think flat ironing natural hair will look a lot thicker and healthier than relaxed hair. I relaxed at 13 by choice. If we had flat irons and techniques that didn't result in those greasy presses I got as a child, I probably never would have relaxed.

I am not having any problems with my new growth thanks to the board; but, I do like that very straight look and (a) I remember that new touch-up straightness and (b) because I am almost 4 months/18 weeks post I am intrigued to find out what my non-shrinkage-addled length looks like. It's a good thing I actually like bunning otherwise I would have relaxed last month.
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