Relaxer Questions


New Member
I am considering getting a relaxer now that I have this wealth of information on how to care for it, but I have two questions:

1. For all you fine-haired ladies, what relaxers have you found suited you best. I have very very very fine hair and so it's easy to ruin my hair sometimes.

2. How do you ladies keep from getting your hair bone-straight? I've never had a relaxer on for more than ten minutes and they ALWAYS gets my hair bone straight.

Thanx for your input ladies!
Sounds like your hair is a lot like mine. I use Soft & Beautiful Botanicals. It is very gentle. I have never had any burns from it and my hair is always soft afterwards.
As for your second question, I can't help you there. My mom used to be a cosmetologist and she does my relaxers. She puts them on as fast as she can cuz she knows how my hair is, and I rinse it out immediately, but my hair is always perfectly straight too. Even when I used kiddie relaxers my hair got bone straight.
My hair is the same way...the last time I had a touchup Affirm was used but I dont know what the strength was. I have also used Desgin Essentials, and a looooonnnngg time ago when my Mom relaxed my hair she used Just for Me but in the long run Just for me was not good for my hair.

Both Affirm and Design Essentials were pretty good, I didnt burn and my hair was soft afterwards.
My hair's fine also. My stylist uses Affirm mild with lye and times the application (less than 10 minutes -- I complain at any stinging). If I've scratched my scalp lately, the touchup will still burn even though it's mild.

My hair LOOKS really straight after rollersets if there's no new growth underneath, but once I'm home and conditioner washing, it dries in ringlets again.
I used Motions Mild lye....left on 10 minutes max!
For my touchup I'm thinking about Revlon Mild(but that's a long way off for me)...