Relaxer Question


New Member
Let's say that you have been using a no-lye relaxer your entire life and you suddenly want to switch to a lye relaxer.

Can you do a touch-up with a lye relaxer? OR would that be a bad idea and cause problems? If so, what sort of problems would it cause?

What happens if the lye relaxer touches the previously no-lye relaxed hair?
You'd have to think of it as transitioning. Your lye-relaxed hair will be thicker than your no-lye relaxed hair. Everyone is different, but most ppl would need to eventually cut off the no-lye relaxed hair in order to prevent eminent breakage. You can do it a little at a time... Or, if you're brave, wait a 6 months & BC.

I use no-lye & my hair is so much thicker & feels so much healthier than when I used no-lye back in high school. I didn't experience transitioning between relaxers b/c I was natural for 8 years before I began texlaxing with a lye relaxer last december.

Good Luck :)

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I agree that it's different for every person and it depends on the condition your hair is. I switched from no-lye to lye about 3 1/2 years ago and didn't have any problems. I made sure to have a lot of new growth and I didn't cut the no-lye relaxed ends in one go, I just got trims with every relaxer so got rid of those ends little by little. About that time I read about protein-moisture balance so that also helped with going from no lye to lye with not too much breakage. My hair is thicker and less dry with lye (I use Affirm in mild)