Relaxer Prep


Well-Known Member
I am 8 weeks post and will get a relaxer on week 9. I was going to wait until right before a wedding to relaxer, but I am a little leery about breakage (after reading posts about members who can't stretch), so I've decided to go ahead and relax. Currently I'm wearing a quick weave (my style of choice in the 2 weeks before relaxer).

So I'm gonna follow Sistaslick's plan for relaxer prep tonight.

1. wash with clarifying shampoo (Nexxus)
2. DC with Protein (Motions CPR and Aphogee)
3. leave-in (not sure, probably motions with some SAA)
4. moisturize and seal

Wednesday night I will do a pre-relaxer full head baggy for my hair appointment on Thursday morning.

How does this sound??? Anything else I should consider?