Relaxer overlap


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I got my touch up done today. Last one was April 13. Not too much of a difference in 4 months as I'd hoped for but I'll be patient. So I go to my stylist who has been doing my hair for the past 5 or so years. All is going normal with the relaxer application till I notice that after she applied it she was sectioning my hair, twirling the sections and running the perm lightly over the hair ALL THE WAY DOWN TO THE ENDS.:blush: Uumm, what?:perplexed :eek2: So I asked her about it and she said that this would keep my ends (that are already permed) from becoming frizzy. :crazy: I have NEVER had this done before!!! The other women in the salon told me that ____________ know's what she is doing so I shouldn't worry about it. Whatever! :nono: I have been doing a good job taking care of my hair and only went back for her to relax it. As it is I'm washing it tonight (I'm a cowashing fool:happydance:) to add some thickness to it. I'm not going back to her. I used to self relax so I need to start again.

What do ya'll think?
I'm sorry. Foolish stylists .. kudos to you on not going back. I think with some TLC you'll be okay; worse has happened ..:yep:
I'm sorry. Foolish stylists .. kudos to you on not going back. I think with some TLC you'll be okay; worse has happened ..:yep:

Thanks. I know worse has happened so I think what is really getting to me is that in 5 or so years she has never done this. Can you imaging a person gets this done all the time what their hair would look like?
Ok, so I got my touch up done today. Last one was April 13. Not too much of a difference in 4 months as I'd hoped for but I'll be patient. So I go to my stylist who has been doing my hair for the past 5 or so years. All is going normal with the relaxer application till I notice that after she applied it she was sectioning my hair, twirling the sections and running the perm lightly over the hair ALL THE WAY DOWN TO THE ENDS.:blush: Uumm, what?:perplexed :eek2: So I asked her about it and she said that this would keep my ends (that are already permed) from becoming frizzy. :crazy: I have NEVER had this done before!!! The other women in the salon told me that ____________ know's what she is doing so I shouldn't worry about it. Whatever! :nono: I have been doing a good job taking care of my hair and only went back for her to relax it. As it is I'm washing it tonight (I'm a cowashing fool:happydance:) to add some thickness to it. I'm not going back to her. I used to self relax so I need to start again.

What do ya'll think?

OH MY GOODNESS!!! The same thing happened to me before!! And so I went back to my "current" stylist...and told her the whole story...She was mortified...HOWEVER....I am pretty sure (85%) that she overlaps too!!! (ya know, they never like to have you face the mirror!)....SO now I need to go in there and tell her to ONLY apply it to the new growth...this is so much aggravation...I am about to start a "Need a stylist in CT" thread...cause for all this money I can do this ish myself...and heck, if I went bald, at least I would have learned something!!!....SO angry...realizing that she is basically overprocessing me..............I already have to hold her hand while she dusts my edges....
i've had this happen to me to, especially when I would come out of braids and relax (i didn't know any better--sorry). Definately use a light/moderate protein treatment to repair some damage and moisture to replace what was lost. Thats why I stopped, (no offense to anyone or intentional and sorry if I do offend) going to the dominican spots, because they would always, and I mean every single time relax me from root to tip (like I said I didn't know any better)
Overlapping like that causes those see-through ends. There are other ways to keep your ends from frizzing.
and dont forget stylists have a reputation to keep.......if you leave with your hair not looking bone straight then people who have no idea about hair care will think they have not done a good job....

last time i went to my hairdresser i gave him instructions on what to do and he followed but its the last time i'm going to him for a texlax coz he wasnt happy with the results.....BUT I WAS

i agree that maybe you should self relax or got to someone who will do waht you ask....hth hhg
Umm.. I tell folks. I don't just sit in the chair any more and be mad. I am on them like white on rice. If they are doing something crazy or not doing something that they should be doing.. umm I let them know. And I'm just frank about it if they get an attitude.. like this is my doggone hair.. and I will stop coming to you. Period. And also depending on how bad it is .. I might fist fight you.
I've had this happen as well....I was actually getting my hair washed and set, and watched this lady doing this on FOUR heads....They all had really really short hair...And not like they were trying to be short. It was like broken off in places, all over..just bad...