relaxer or FRESH LOOK HAIR relaxer



I have been using the Fresh Look Hair Relaxer for my past 3 relaxing applications after it was recommended to me by a friend as being non-chemical based and good for improving the condition of my over processed hair.

I have been pleased with the results in so far in that my new growth is in much better condition (shiny and thicker) but it is quite wavy and not as straight as I would like.

I am considering using PHYTOSPECIFIC Relaxer to see if it can give me any better results and wondered what other people had to say about their experiences with this relaxer and also the FRESH LOOK HAIR RELAXER.

Any Information would be greatly received. :)
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I really LOVE Phyto! I am four weeks' post and I still look like I have a fresh relaxer!

And this after DC/co-washing at least 3x/week and working out 5 days a week (and my bandana is sopping wet afterward).

What I've learned is that whereas some women (not the atypical LHCF-er) have to be retouched every 6-8 weeks with traditional relaxers (lye AND no-lye), Phyto wearers can go to at least 10. I have yet to try that.
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Wow, that sounds great. Do you notice any other differences between the PHYTO and what you used before? The FRESH LOOK is really kind to my hair but it's still really wavy.
The Phyto (Index 2) gives me a lot of swing and body and shine!

It's also all about technique, as my stylist didn't know that I had stretched for 7 months and was afraid to overprocess the first application in 7/08, so I had a lot of mixed textures!

This go-around, he smoothed it down really good and my hair is really straight.

In comparison to the other relaxers I've tried, this is the best by far because it works really well with the other natural products I use (95% cone-free) like Aveda.

No dryness or stiff hair or thinned-out strands. Great styling memory, too. I can work out, swim and my hair looks like a fresh relaxer! :)
i might be stoned for this but what does a relaxer have to do w/ the new growth after a touch up? like how can one stretch longer bc of a certain relaxer? i don't think it makes a difference. it all depends on how fast your hair grows. if your hair still looks like it's freshly relaxed after four weeks it sounds to me like ur hair is not growing. can someone explain this to me?
i might be stoned for this but what does a relaxer have to do w/ the new growth after a touch up? like how can one stretch longer bc of a certain relaxer? i don't think it makes a difference. it all depends on how fast your hair grows. if your hair still looks like it's freshly relaxed after four weeks it sounds to me like ur hair is not growing. can someone explain this to me?

My hair is DEFINITELY growing...I actually have about an eighth-inch of NG...but we ALL know it's all about how you take care of your hair (and NG) that makes it look fresh after four weeks.

Phytorelaxer actually conditions the hair and builds body using mostly natural ingredients, hence the steep price.

Thank you for your reply, I feel brave enough to try the Phyto and have ordered it today :) Will let you know how I get on and how it compares to the FRESH LOOK that I had been using.

Has anyone out there tried FRESH LOOK?