RELAXER on his hair??!!

Hi! I am a newbie today.

My 22 yrs old brother saw my hair growing so fast so he got jealous, I regularly get my perm every 3 or 3 months. I stopped trim my hair since six months ago because yall saved my hair's life even if it still dead anyway.

My brother tried so hard to figure out how my hair grew so long faster bcuz he wanted cornrolls on his head, he has about one inch hair now. I used BOUNTRESS TRESSES (shh that is my secret weapon!) I absolutely in love with it, I dont mind to marry it. :grin: I hid it in my computer suitcase that my brother NEVER touch it. My brother snuck in my room and looked all over the room to find my secret hair products,how I grew my hair but he forgot to look in the cpu suitcase. :lachen:Then my brother turned the lamp on in his mind and said "thats right! she must have used the RELAXER!" He thought the relaxer makes my hair grow faster??!! so He brought the Olive oil relaxer for HIS hair so he read the instructor quickly because he thought it would be so easy to apply it on his hair. I went back home and SAW him put the relaxer on his half side of the hair! I told him what was he doing!? He said "HA I know how you got your hair grows so long" I said it s not from the relaxer, I use the hair growth aid! Then all the sudden, his scalp went like this....:burning: he ran to the bathroom and washed hair immediately. Then few minutes later, I saw him, his hair...half relaxed and half no relaxed (NAPPY) :lachen:He said he will never ever relax his hair ever again he shaved it all and started over. he said he will use the oil for now. I never told him about BOUNDLESS TRESSES :lachen::sekret:
:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

Chile, tell your brother bout BT before he go and do something real foolish!!!! :lol: Just make him buy his own!
Wooooooooowwww. Come on, didnt the other thread close like 4 hours ago? DEATH TO THESE THREADS!!!!!
:computer:Okay I thought everyone was being mean before, but now I'm thinking this girl is mentally disturbed. She said she was leaving, and now a new thread is opening up. I thought everyone was a little harsh on the other thread after her corrections...but then she said she was leaving...and now she's back?
No need for all of this again!
:computer:Okay I thought everyone was being mean before, but now I'm thinking this girl is mentally disturbed. She said she was leaving, and now a new thread is opening up. I thought everyone was a little harsh on the other thread after her corrections...but then she said she was leaving...and now she's back?
No need for all of this again!

This thread isn't new someone bumped it.
:computer:Okay I thought everyone was being mean before, but now I'm thinking this girl is mentally disturbed. She said she was leaving, and now a new thread is opening up. I thought everyone was a little harsh on the other thread after her corrections...but then she said she was leaving...and now she's back?
No need for all of this again!

Well, what you said may be true. You never know. But someone bumped the thread. :rolleyes:
:computer:Okay I thought everyone was being mean before, but now I'm thinking this girl is mentally disturbed. She said she was leaving, and now a new thread is opening up. I thought everyone was a little harsh on the other thread after her corrections...but then she said she was leaving...and now she's back?
No need for all of this again!
did you finish reading the whole thread? just wondering if you got the whole scoop, it would tell you more :yep:
Well, what you said may be true. You never know. But someone bumped the thread. :rolleyes:
Oh thank God. I thought she was mental for real! Although, I think someone bumped it because of the old thread as a halloween prank. So her hair is growing fast, but in the other thread it was growing slow and so she wanted her mom's secret, but in this one it's boundless tresses and the whole shh! thing again.:lachen: Oh well I'm done with this girl, if I ever see anything with her name, I'm just going the opposite way.
did you finish reading the whole thread? just wondering if you got the whole scoop, it would tell you more :yep:
Yeah. 'nough said.:rolleyes: I finished it later on, and realized the whole thing was just :thatsall: It's a good thing I do research before jumping on any bandwagon.
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Oh thank God. I thought she was mental for real! Although, I think someone bumped it because of the old thread as a halloween prank. So her hair is growing fast, but in the other thread it was growing slow and so she wanted her mom's secret, but in this one it's boundless tresses and the whole shh! thing again.:lachen: Oh well I'm done with this girl, if I ever see anything with her name, I'm just going the opposite way.
yeah it got nuts in the other thread totally! like wow! :spinning::spinning:
I'm just mad somebody didn't wake me up so I could post on that other thread too J/K LOL :grin:

Well I'm in Boston and I'm up late so you might as well give me your contact info so I can sneak and steal your products... I mean... wake you up next time. :look:


... I don't steal. :look: Much.