Relaxer on ends for last five minutes?


New Member
I was thinking about putting the relaxer on my ends during the last 5 minutes of my next touch up. I am currently 5 1/2 mths post and my ends look bushy, thick, crinkled and textured. I know someone that does this every six months and their hair is healthy, but of course my outcome may not be the same. Ladies if you do this or have ever done it please let me know what your results were.


You know better than this! Why must you do a double process? When you wash the relaxer out of your NG, the chemicals are gonna run down the entire shaft of the hair anyway so why do it twice?

Just cause someone does this doesnt mean their hair isn't damaged either. Damage takes time to see.
i agree with MizzBrown.

Also Sounds like your ends need a lot of moisture. And don't forget to apply oil after moisturizing to seal in the ends.
I used to do this, long time ago. It did not damage my hair, but over time, my hair became an annoying light brown color. Its quite risky, maybe you should flat iron or rolleset to get your hair straight. If not i would suggest leaving in on for only a minute. But to tell you the truth, I would never do it to my own hair
You couldn't pay me to do this.

I wouldn't recommend it; relaxer runoff is bad enough and that's like 30sec-1min but 5 minutes?
I wouldn't do it. If your ends were fully relaxed before (and not texlaxed) they are probably bushy and crinkled because they need more moisture or a slight trim. My ends felt jacked up before I switched to a better DC and started using Shea Butter for them.
I vote no too! My ends were bushy from using a texturizer. I'm now relaxed. I ran the relaxer over all of my hair to straighten it, and I ended up with split ends. I had to cut almost 2 inches off to get rid of them. I would just dust after each perm, they will go. Mine are gone now and my hair lays down nicely. But I understand what you're saying, I experienced the same thing. But running the relaxer over the ends makes it worse - take it from me.
Thanks ladies for your comments. I don't think I will do it. I never thought about the relaxer run off part. When I relax, I will get a better idea of what I need to do. If the ends do look all big ( especially when it's humid) I will probably cut them all off. Give me a reason to get that bob.