Relaxer night mare-kinda long


Well-Known Member
Well I fianlly had my unfavorable encounter with a relaxer.
I used tcbs's new- naturals - no lye w/conditioning olive oil and aloe Friday night. I have used tcb in the past so I had no objection to using them again. I have self relaxed using a mirad of relaxers over the years, there are some I would never use again and some I would. Well this one by tcb I will never use again. It started to burn before I was able to get to the front section of my head, I had to hurry because I did not want the back relaxed and the front not. I washed it out before 5 miuntes was up. I had the relaxer on my head no more than 6 minutes and I have never and I do mean never experienced anything like that with any other relaxers I have used. I used the whole bottle of nauteralizing shampoo and my scalp still burned. I was in shock-I could not believe my scalp felt tight and it still feels tight today May 16th, keep in mind I relaxed May 13th! I set my hair after I relaxed, the next morning my hair felt hard and did not hold the set. I washed my hair again Saturday morning and this time I soaked my hair and scalp in olive oil and put it in a pony tail. I left it that way until Sunday, Sunday night I washed and set it again.
And like I said it still feels tight-it is really scarying me. I hope I did not give myself a chemical burn that will cause my scalp to just start losing hair that can not be replaced.
I'm sorry you went through that trama. That is one of the reasons why I have stopped relaxing my hair. I know everyone do not have the same preference, however, I have been there and the uncontrollable shedding and scalp burns was too much for me. Have you ever thought about going natural?
Lee said:
I'm sorry you went through that trama. That is one of the reasons why I have stopped relaxing my hair. I know everyone do not have the same preference, however, I have been there and the uncontrollable shedding and scalp burns was too much for me. Have you ever thought about going natural?

Thank you Lee,
Well after that experince I am starting to ponder going natural. I mean all of this stuff we do to our hair and it could all be gone becasue of one bad relaxer. :look: makes you go hummmmm? :confused: And I wonder why I refuse to get my daughters' hair relaxed. I have already made that choice for her-no-not until she is at least 16 maybe 20.
Good thinking on your daughter's behalf. Now I know you will rethink for your own hair health. Good luck on any choice you make.
Sorry to hear about the bad relaxer. It sounds like your scalp is really dry and that's why it feels tight. Use some aloe on it and maybe some jojoba oil to fight off the dryness. It's probably dry cause you had to use soooo much neutralizing shampoo to stop the chemical. I hear you loud and clear on the natural thing. I have recently been there done that and right now I am relaxed again but I do question if I made the wrong decision. I keep saying to my husband that I don't want to have to put chemicals in my hair forever and that it's crazy how you can have perfectly healthy hair while using a relaxer and then come next relaxer you hair could fall out. Then all those hair growing efforts were a waist of time, money, patience and techniques. I am 9 weeks post relaxer today and I have used three relaxers since returning to the chemicals and I am still looking to find the right one that won't burn me like the last one. My scalp has become sensitive to the chemicals cause I never use to feel the chemical work soo fast. My hair now doesn't want to get straight......................Anyway, sorry about the long rant. Good luck with nursing your scalp and hair back to health.

DMarie said:
Sorry to hear about the bad relaxer. It sounds like your scalp is really dry and that's why it feels tight. Use some aloe on it and maybe some jojoba oil to fight off the dryness. It's probably dry cause you had to use soooo much neutralizing shampoo to stop the chemical. I hear you loud and clear on the natural thing. I have recently been there done that and right now I am relaxed again but I do question if I made the wrong decision. I keep saying to my husband that I don't want to have to put chemicals in my hair forever and that it's crazy how you can have perfectly healthy hair while using a relaxer and then come next relaxer you hair could fall out. Then all those hair growing efforts were a waist of time, money, patience and techniques. I am 9 weeks post relaxer today and I have used three relaxers since returning to the chemicals and I am still looking to find the right one that won't burn me like the last one. My scalp has become sensitive to the chemicals cause I never use to feel the chemical work soo fast. My hair now doesn't want to get straight......................Anyway, sorry about the long rant. Good luck with nursing your scalp and hair back to health.


Thanks-and I think you may be right on the dry scalp, it feels much better today. I plan to be a lot more careful in my relaxer choices in future. I have considered going natural-just that my hair sheds so much when it is close to relax time that I feel the only thing I can do to combat it is to relax it. I have not found the right combination to stop the shedding. All in all it was a wake up call :eek: