Relaxer from start to finish


New Member
I've been relaxing my hair for years, but I don't think I have been taking care of it the right way. I have a lot of breakage at the back and my scalp is irritated bad! I have started taking vitamins. My question is how do you obtain a straight look without heat? What do I do after I wash and condition it? Do I not use a flat iron to get it straight? Please help as I want to grow my hair just past my bra. Right now it is about 1 1/2 inches past my shoulders. What is wrapping? Also, should I ask my beautcian to leave the relaxer on for a shorter period of time? I don't really like my hair bone straight anyway. Thanks
Hi Marla!

Do a search on the "ponytail method" of air drying. A check out SherryLove's "Does wrapping make hair thin" thread. Someone posted a really neat "new" way of wrapping the hair.

Good luck!
Hi Marla!

I only use heat to do my deep conditioner and protein treatments. I rollerset my hair and dry on the cool setting. It takes about 1 1/2 hours. My hair comes out just as straight as if I had used the medium setting.
As for the nape marla...

make sure you are really neutralizing and rinsing extra well and extra long in the back where it's breaking- just to be safe...

and after you wash and condition add a leave in to the mix....your favorite conditioner mixed with some water in a spray bottle should work for now unless it's protein based...then when you get used to putting it in you can figure out what you like and start your search for something ready made if you want to.

The ponytail method is great, as are braid and twist outs. I airdry looe for'll need to do some experimenting stylewise to figure out non-heat options. You'll get the hang of that with practice and research - and it's much better for the hair.

Oh! And welcome!