Relaxer for fine hair needed


Active Member
Please suggest a no lye relaxer for fine 4b hair.

I was using profectiv, but have been shedding alot and would like to try a new relaxer.

I am 10 weeks post and want to relax at 11 1/2 weeks post.
I have fine hair. I use Mizani Sensitive Scalp. Love it!

I was in your fotki last night and wanted to say that your hair is amazingly beautiful! Currently, I am natural but have the intentions of relaxing this year. After seeing your hair, I am leaning towards the Mizani Sensitive scalp relaxer or the butterblends relaxer.
Now I've never used this before but I saw an ad for it and am thinking about trying it. It's supposedly specially formualated for fine hair to give it extra body. It's made by Optimum Care and it's called Bodiphying Relaxer. I used Optimum Care Anti- Breakage at my last relaxer because I was using Mizani but I kept on getting underprocessed and shedding (most likely due to the stylists or them using a mild relaxer i don't know) But I used optimum care regular and did my own relaxer, it came out pretty good I was scared at first because i thought I overprocessed it but then someone told me what overprocessed was and it wasn't i was just so used to it being underprocessed. So for my next relaxer I think I will try their bodiphying relaxer. If you do decide to try it please post results
Thanks for the recommendations ladies. I'll see which one I find at my local BSS. I doubt I will find Mizani. I will check. I'm pretty sure I saw the Optimum Care though.

I was doing some research and now I'm wondering if the shedding can be due to not neutralizing properly after relaxing. My hairdresser does not let the neutralizing shampoo sit so that it can penetrate the inner layers(cortex) of my hair.

So when I relax next week. At home(my sister will do it following my instructions) I will do the following;

  1. use a relaxer for fine hair
  2. relax, applying conditioner to my already relaxed hair
  3. rinse relaxer under running water for at least 3 mins
  4. properly neutralize 3 times leaving the poo on for 5 min each time
  5. DC with light to medium protein(any suggestions?)
  6. condition with stabilizer plus (let sit for 5 min)
  7. roller set and dry under the dryer.

Do you ladies think this is enough??? Am I missing anything??
The ORS no lye relaxer isn't bad and you can find that one even at a grocery store.

I have used the Mizani no lye before and I liked it too if you can find it.

The optium care wouldn't be a bad choice either.