Relaxer > Emergencee > Perm color? Safe during Pregnancy? HELP


New Member
So I wouldn't have this dilemma if I didn't wait as long as I did like a retard. I just relaxed my hair last night with ORS. I DC'd with Joico moisture recovery DC.

I just brought Nexxus Emergencee for the first time but didn't use it last night when I relaxed cause I read on here that it's not recommended to do so. BUUUTTT I'm going on a cruise next Sunday and wanted to color my hair one more time before I go, I'm trying to get my hair back to a bronzer/lighter color from black.

The last time I colored was a month ago and it came out fine since I DC'd.

But I'm also 16 weeks pregnant. :) And I been freaking myself sometimes when I read that it's not good to use chemical products on my hair during pregnancy. When I colored last month my doctor said it was safe to and I saw only a couple of posts here that said they had done so during their pregnancies and turned out fine.

My plan was to use Emergencee this weekend, and then color my hair next Wednesday night. (I'm going home to my family a little before the cruise to see my brothers graduation and also to be with my mom when I find out the sex of my baby that day (VERY anxious)). So I wanted this to be done before I head back home.

But is it safe to do it in this routine?

Right now I have very light shedding, and my relaxing process went well last night. It feels moisturized but just has some split ends. I'm normally a DIY and never had a problem doing it on my own either... but I didn't know if maybe i should just get highlights done at a salon or what.

Any advice is appreciated :)
I would recommend that you do the Emergencee treatment, BUT LEAVE OUR COLOR ALONE!! You are way more prone to breakage, damage, and a setback by coloring your hair so soon after a relaxer. Plus, you colored your hair last month... to go lighter, you are probably using ammonia and / or peroxide. That is a recipe for dry, breakage prone hair. :nono: Please lay off the color for the time being.
You should always give your hair at least two weeks between chemical processes to prevent damage. Are you using a moisturizing condish also because you will need both with double processed hair and the balance between protein and moisture will be very difficult to maintain when you throw in pregnancy hormones.

I have two kids and honestly I ended up having to put my hair up for most of both pregnancies.
Yeah I always use Joice's Moisture Recovery conditioner every week, and most of the time I use the DC afterwards every week or every other week.

I know its best to do wait at least two weeks but I didn't know if an extra three days would make a difference =\ ... I was just really hoping to have it at the color I wanted before my vacation. It would be the last time I'm coloring also. At least for a long time
You stated you're going on a cruise? If you're going to a warm climate, the sun will give your hair natural highlights. I've gone to Hawaii and Florida and my hair changed to a highlighted hue and I'm relaxed. Enjoy your trip.
So I wouldn't have this dilemma if I didn't wait as long as I did like a retard. I just relaxed my hair last night with ORS. I DC'd with Joico moisture recovery DC.

I just brought Nexxus Emergencee for the first time but didn't use it last night when I relaxed cause I read on here that it's not recommended to do so. BUUUTTT I'm going on a cruise next Sunday and wanted to color my hair one more time before I go, I'm trying to get my hair back to a bronzer/lighter color from black.

The last time I colored was a month ago and it came out fine since I DC'd.

But I'm also 16 weeks pregnant. :) And I been freaking myself sometimes when I read that it's not good to use chemical products on my hair during pregnancy. When I colored last month my doctor said it was safe to and I saw only a couple of posts here that said they had done so during their pregnancies and turned out fine.

My plan was to use Emergencee this weekend, and then color my hair next Wednesday night. (I'm going home to my family a little before the cruise to see my brothers graduation and also to be with my mom when I find out the sex of my baby that day (VERY anxious)). So I wanted this to be done before I head back home.

But is it safe to do it in this routine?

Right now I have very light shedding, and my relaxing process went well last night. It feels moisturized but just has some split ends. I'm normally a DIY and never had a problem doing it on my own either... but I didn't know if maybe i should just get highlights done at a salon or what.

Any advice is appreciated :)

I didn't color at all while prego and relaxed twice, once before I knew and around 7 view is its only 9mo, why risk unnecessary harm to your baby for vanity issues? Not saying its gunna do something horrible to your baby but you never know and with as many people saying the risk is really unknown I just wouldn't chance it...and I read every article and asked everyone I knew just like your probably doing =)
As far as the Nexxus definitely follow the instructions, I'd hate for you to have a setback...can you wait until the day before to try the Nexxus or does is say a specific amount of time to wait after relaxing?
Mjon912 said:
I didn't color at all while prego and relaxed twice, once before I knew and around 7 view is its only 9mo, why risk unnecessary harm to your baby for vanity issues? Not saying its gunna do something horrible to your baby but you never know and with as many people saying the risk is really unknown I just wouldn't chance it...and I read every article and asked everyone I knew just like your probably doing =)
As far as the Nexxus definitely follow the instructions, I'd hate for you to have a setback...can you wait until the day before to try the Nexxus or does is say a specific amount of time to wait after relaxing?

I couldn't relax when I was pregnant. No sooner than the perm touched my hair it burned. I would be scared to color for that resson. Color can also burn so just be careful.

Sent from my HTC EVO using LHCF. any spelling errors should be blamed on auto-correct.
I don't think I'm going to color.... Thanks guys.

And the nexxus questions, some Emergencees says not to use with relaxer and some bottles doesn't note it. Before I was about to use it the other night when I relaxed, I LHCF'd it. Lol... like I do anything Im not sure about.

And supposedly it's just that you're not suppose to use it during a relaxer, most importantly before you neutralize your hair after rinsing it out. Some girls say they used it after neutralizing but I didn't want to chance it so i just DC'd after rinsing and pooing/cond'ing....

I live in florida but my color hasn't gotten any lighter though =\ it may be because I'm in the military and I always have to wear a cover/hate when I'm uniform which is most of the day.

But yep, I'm just going to use Emergencee next week instead of doing it this week and then coloring later on...