Relaxer burned my face!


Well-Known Member
I will never ever relax my hair again! I decided to transition but in t moment of weakness I relaxed my hair. I got a bit of relaxer on my ends (like 5 strands which some hoe w stuck to my cheek. Like an idiot I didn't move it. Before I even finished putting the relaxer in my face started stinging! I ran in the shower so quick and washed my hair. My new growth is wavey. Why am I putting something like this on my hair?

I hope I don't offend anyone who relaxes. I've never had a relaxer burn like this so quick.
I will never ever relax my hair again! I decided to transition but in t moment of weakness I relaxed my hair. I got a bit of relaxer on my ends (like 5 strands which some hoe w stuck to my cheek. Like an idiot I didn't move it. Before I even finished putting the relaxer in my face started stinging! I ran in the shower so quick and washed my hair. My new growth is wavey. Why am I putting something like this on my hair?

I hope I don't offend anyone who relaxes. I've never had a relaxer burn like this so quick.

For the same reason you put a 350 degree flat iron on your hair instead of your skin - to straighten it :lol:

I'm sorry this happened to you. Honestly, I've gotten relaxer on my skin before (although only a few minutes) and it didn't do that. I hope your face gets better and there's no scarring or anything... that would suck considering it's on your cheek :ohwell:
For the same reason you put a 350 degree flat iron on your hair instead of your skin - to straighten it :lol: I'm sorry this happened to you. Honestly, I've gotten relaxer on my skin before (although only a few minutes) and it didn't do that. I hope your face gets better and there's no scarring or anything... that would suck considering it's on your cheek :ohwell:

Hahaha! You're funny! Note to self: don't put relaxer in face
Self-relaxing isn't for everyone. I hope your face heals quickly. Good luck with your transition.
This happened to me once. I just put the natural gel from an Aloe Vera leaf on it regularly for about two weeks and it didn't leave a permanent scar.