Relaxer Blues (HELP ME!)


Well-Known Member
Ok ladies have been having issues with my relaxer choices. Can someone PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!

here is the situation:
I was previously using Motions Salon Herbals (lye Mild) for a year. The relaxer was great and it always left my hair very moisturized. I was getting my hair done at the Dominican salon. Unfortunately they do NOT base the scalp before the relaxer and if you request that they do, they do NOT do a good job. This has happened in every single Dominican salon I went to. Anyway the relaxer is great. They also relax bone straight which may not be so good because my hair is thin.

Anyway...... My hair seems to be getting thicker lately due to following all of the good advice on this forum.

I just recently used Affrim (lye Mild) 6 weeks ago. My hair is soooooooooooo dry and hard. No matter what conditioner I use. It dries hard. I got my hair done by Marcia. My hair was not relaxed bone straight. The stylist did a GREAT job basing my scalp. But the salon is expensive. And I will mention again MY hair is DRY!

I have been thinking about trying Mizani or going back to Motions. What do you ladies think I should do? And should I go back to the Dominican Salons which are cheeper on the pocket and just base my scalp myself before I go?

Hmmm...I can say that I don't think the reason for your hair being dry is the relaxer.

Only the roots were touched up, right? If so, then how could that make all the length of your hair dry? That just wouldn't make sense. Perhaps it is something else that happened when you last went to the salon that is causing the dryness.
Well the week after I got the relaxer my ends seemed to be getting kind of tangled. But I didn't pay to much attention to it. Then by the next week I felt my hair and it just seemes to be dry. I don't usually have this problem. At all. The only thing that I got done at the salon was a relaxer and I have been suffering from dyness ever since. That is theonly reason why I thought the culprit was the relaxer.

Only the roots were touched up.
I washed myhair with aloe rid 2 weeks after the relaxer still was hard. Last week I did an ACV rinse and it still dries hard. Even after using a moisturizing deep conditioner.

I'm not sure I have any useful advice. But maybe the combination of the heat and having relaxed hair is making your hair so dry.

Maybe you could try deep conditioning and no heat styling options until your hair is better conditioned.


are you sure it wasn't a no-lye they used on your hair?

I use affirm and my hair never feels dry :confused:

I did a strand test with motions herbal way back(before switching to affirm) wasn't for me, it actually made my hair dry!! maybe affirm isn't for you then :ohwell:
I also think its possible it was no-lye they used on your hair. Maybe you should go back to Motions and base your own scalp before hand.
I also had this problem with Affirm when i used it back in May of last year...i used because i heard about how bad no-lye was for the hair would be good when i would leave my house...but when i got outside it was so dry that it didnt even look like i had a relaxer because it would nap up and tangle so much...and what makes it so bad is i ordered a big tub of this relaxer...but before then i had just been using no-lye box relaxers(Just for Me, PCJ, African Pride for kids)....if i were u i would just go back to what worked for you the first time...
I really thought that I was using the lye. It was in a big tube. I saw it for myself. I would understand my hair acting htis way if it was a no-lye relaxer. But it was lye. That's why I am so confused.
maybe I should try using Affirm again but at another hair salon and see what happens?
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Affirm made my hair DRY!! I thought it was me and that I needed a stronger formula, but when i asked my sister, who had continued to use it long after I stopped & who has fine hair, how she liked it, she said that she loved that it made her hair feel thicker, but it made her hair really dry. That's when I decided not to buy the regular formula and skip that relaxer all together.

But as some of the ladies said, it coud have also been something else. :ohwell: