RelaxedJherri Curl Look..Curl Activators girls


Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies,

I have been using my Jheeri Curl Juice, I call it:lachen: for about 4 months now. Mixed with my oridinally moisturiser and my hair hair has never been so moisturised ever and NO breakage.

However my hair is NEVER straight anymore, its got a like a curl to it, like a jherri curl:grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:

I am getting used to it, i wear it out sometimes, but i would really it straight sometimes. Any ladies with the same problem, what do u do?

I don't have any advice but just had to say that I love your avatar and the pics in your siggy!
I use the S-curl spray on my hair just about everyday, but for some reason my relaxed hair stays straight.